Contest: Bangladeshi Holidays

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago

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Jumʿah, Friday of the Muslim week and the special noon service on Friday that all adult, male, free Muslims are obliged to attend. The jumʿah, which replaces the usual noon ritual prayer (ṣalāt al-ẓuhr), must take place before a sizable number of Muslims in one central mosque in each locality.

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Men praying during jumʿah, Great Mosque of Damascus.
Antonio Melina/Agência Brasil
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How much do you know about the Prophet Muhammad? How about holy cities? Test your knowledge of Islam with this quiz.
The obligation for communal worship on Friday is enjoined upon Muslims in the Qurʾān. The choice of Friday was probably based on the pre-Islamic function of Friday as market day, a natural occasion for dispersed local tribes to gather in a central location. The influence of the Jewish and Christian sabbath was also felt in the institutionalization of the Muslim Friday, though in Islam it was not a day of rest but a convenient setting for the special religious service. In the modern period, however, most Muslim countries have designated Friday as the legal day of rest; Turkey, following Western tradition, has made Sunday the holiday.

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