the dairy game 18/09/2020 today history my life

in Steem Bangladesh4 years ago

Assalamu Alaikum. Today is 15 September 2020. I hope everyone is well, Alhamdulillah.

I hope everyone has had a good day today.

I woke up at 8 o'clock this morning. I woke up and ordered some of Daraj's products and brought them. I want to receive them. A libidic set was ordered. I also ordered a few days ago but they could not deliver well. I ordered two products but they delivered one product. Due to which the product has to be returned and re-ordered. I wake up in the morning and call them and then I go to receive the products. Then I come from there and arrange breakfast. I fried bread and eggs today for breakfast in the morning.

We all have breakfast together there to make breakfast. When breakfast is over, I sit down to study by myself. I finished my studies at about half past twelve.

I will finish my studies at twelve o'clock. Then I watch TV for an hour from twelve. After watching TV, I gather everything for lunch to cook today. Then cut everything nicely with vegetables and whatever I need, I don't have all the ingredients for cooking. Then I put my cooking around half past one. It's two o'clock to finish cooking. After cooking I take a bath at noon. After taking a bath, I eat and drink with my father at noon. After eating and drinking, my father fell asleep. And I sit down with my drawing. At half past three I sat down to do my drawing. I am drawing an Indian girl today. Let's draw for a traditional girl Dandia Dance. It's about 5 o'clock when my drawing is finished. I'm happy I was able to finish my photography

Then I finish my drawing and go for a walk in the afternoon. After walking for a long time, I saw a peddler coming with Belpuri. I bought Velpuri and brought it home to eat.
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(০7-1০)pm my night
Then as time went on it became evening. Around seven in the evening I went to teach my students.
When I finished teaching him until eight, I went home. Barasat sit for a while watching TV newd . It's easy to Work my laptop At nine o'clock I heat all the food for the night. Then everyone in the house eats and drinks. When the meal is over, my father goes to bed. Go to bed a long time ago because he gets up in the morning and prays, which is why he sleeps early at night. Then I ate and drank again, watched tv Cid Show for a while and listened to phone songs. After ten I started writing my dairy games.

It's been a long night and I tell everyone at bedtime that we'll see you again tomorrow.

Many thanks to everyone for reading my post.

my name is rana


There was a lot of love for everyone in the community. I will always pray that everyone will be well by the grace of God. And you will all pray for me and my family

And a few words about me

My name is Rana I have completed hsc from a parbatipur government degree college. I

I wish you all good health. If there is any mistake, you will be forgiven..

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