The Diary Game 3: || 06 August 2021 - Simple day ||- 2% beneficiaries @bd-charity

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago

Hello, Assalamu Alaikum. How are you all? I hope everyone is very well.

The topic of today's Steam-Bangladesh Community Contest is "Diary Game". So I am sharing with you everything I have done today in the form of a diary.

in the morning


An unnamed flower

First I woke up at 5 in the morning. So I went to sleep again. Then I woke up at 11 o'clock in the morning. Then I woke up and became fresh. Then I gave a little water to the saplings of my tree. I have a few pepper plants. Even if I don't water them one day, the trees die. So I try to give water them regularly. Then I sat down with a book. The name of the book is Pather Panchali. I have been reading the book for two days but it is not over yet. I don't usually do that. But now being ill is taking time to finish the book.My mother gave me breakfast but I couldn't eat anything.

At noon


I stood by the window and took a picture of the sky

I took a bath at 12 pm and then complete my Johar prayers. My mother is very aware of prayers. One day if I don't pray then she scolds me very much. she just scolds me. When my younger brothers did not pray, she turned off the TV and then took the TV remote and put it in the cupboard so that they could not watch TV.Whatever it was, then my mother called for lunch but I couldn't eat any more. Then I called the doctor for the serial number, he told me to call tomorrow morning. Then I went to bed after drinking some water because I felt very bad. After lying down for a while, I fell asleep.

In the afternoon


I was watching an episode of Mr. Bean on the phone and its his screenshot

I woke up and saw that it was evening. That is, I could not read the Asr prayers. So I read the Maghrib and Asr prayers. Then I got up on the roof with my younger sister.After that I went down and watched Mr. Bean on YouTube for a while. I seem to have seen every episode of Mr. Bean. But I watch it again and again, I like his acting very much. Then I took my allergy medicine. One day my condition got worse without taking medicine. Then I tried to have a cup of tea but I couldn't.

At night


My dinner

From 8 to 10 o'clock at night I helped my younger brothers in their studies. The younger brother somehow found out that. There will be no PSC exam. So he is very happy. I also sat him down to study. Then at around 10 pm my mother brought fried bread and eggs. Because I haven't eaten anything all day except water.
I could not eat these at all. I also ate with great difficulty. All of the food or the surrounding scents suddenly feel very bad. Then I finished eating. Then I watched the movie for a while and after a while I fell asleep.

Thanks everyone for reading my post. Everyone will pray for me and be sure to comment on how you like my post today.

Take Love ❤️


আপু আপনার দিনটা ভালো কেটেছে শুভ কামনা রইলো 🥀

thank you so much

Welcome 🥀 apu

 3 years ago 

Nice diary api

thank you vaiya.

 3 years ago 

সুন্দর একটি ডায়েরি। ভালো কেটেছে দিন টা।

hmm.thanks vai

Onk sundor ekta din chilo apnar

tnx vai

🙂খাবারের ছবি দিয়া খিদা বাড়ায় দেও সবসময় মানি না আমি এটা

 3 years ago 

ওইটাকে মনে হয় কচুরি পানার ফুল বলে

 3 years ago 

The name of the flower is Common water hyacinth. Beautiful shots.

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