The Diary Game || Better Life || 15-September-2021 || Beneficiaries 2% bd-charity and 18% steem-bangladesh

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago

Hello Everyone!!
This is Md Nazmul Hoque from Bangladesh. Today is 15 September 2021. Today I am going to share with you my activists of Wednesday.


This Thumbnail Created By Me


How are you? I hope you are all well. By the grace of Allah, I am very well. Today is going to be one of the busiest days of my life because tomorrow is my exam. I woke up at 7am and went out for a little walk. When I went out, I saw a lot of sun shining in the sun. I'm a little scared at night but I find it very sweet in the morning so I try to Sunshine the sun in the morning.


Portrait Photography


I walked out for a while and then I got home and I didn't have breakfast in the morning so I freshened up and put my notebooks and notes in one place. The thing is, breakfast is not made before 9 in the morning, how to do the breakfast. So I started reading books early. There's a lot left to read. Tomorrow I have to finish the exam today.


I didn't like reading her books until about eleven, so I listened to the news on YouTube for a while. This is how a fascinating afternoon came to me and I took a bath and started preparing for the Zuhr prayer.

Screenshot from my phone


I need to get some sleep in the afternoon because I woke up very early in the morning and slept late so it feels very good to get some sleep in the afternoon and it feels very fresh. Tried to sleep but didn't sleep like that. I prayed Asr prayer and I went out for a while.


In the evening when we were doing group study together with three friends for group study, a historical event happened which you will all be entertained to hear. One of our friends got married and hid. So far he has not said. When we found out, we told him what you had done, and he confessed. Although we did not receive any invitation for her marriage, we are very happy to have her married. Because he got married, after a little pressure, he conspired with a girl, he was forced to get married, he confessed to us. This was my work all day. I hope you enjoyed reading my diary. If you want to know anything, don't forget to let me know. I will tell you about him.

Thanks for spending your precious time reading this post

Best Regards


 3 years ago 

প্রথম ছবি টা সেই ছিলো।

 3 years ago 

ধন্যবাদ গুরু❤️❤️

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