Contest : Creative Short Story Writing " End of the story"

Hello friends of steemit, a pleasure to be with you again, this time to complete this story that comes to us thanks @ Steem-Bangladesh & @ nahidhasan23 which has had the initiative to show a contest for the enjoyment of all of us


First part

Jessy is a single mother of a blind daughter. Her husband died 3 years ago in a car accident. Her daughter's name is Angela. She is two years old. That's not all. They have a pet dog named Fluffy. Jessy's husband gifted Fluffy in their first anniversary. From that day Fluffy is staying with them. Fluffy is holding Jessy's husband's memory.

One day Jessy had to go out of town for some work. She took her daughter and Fluffy with them. She went to the railway station. She bought a bottle of water from a shop. After that they entered a cabin of train. She felt odd because there was only one passenger in that cabin.

The passenger was drunken. Some times later she realized that she forgot her purse in that shop while buying water bottle. The train ticket was in that purse. She told her daughter to stay there with Fluffy. She went to the shop. She took her purse from that shop and came back. But she was late. The train left.


Second part

After the train left Angela felt somewhat sad and disoriented by her blindness, and crying she called Fluffy and she no longer felt alone, when Fluffy hugged her she imagined her father, without knowing that the dog had the memory of her father, On the other hand, her mother, seeing that her daughter was on that train, ran after him, but it was impossible to reach him, she stopped at the station, and waited for the next train, to go to meet her daughter, meanwhile in the train, Angela without knowing what to do asks for help from the only drunk passenger who was in the place, without getting help, because he was asleep and did not answer. After a few minutes Fluffy started barking and got a bit restless until Angela understood that something wanted, she took him by the leash to get out of the train, as soon as he stopped, the conductor asked for the ticket and Angela explained everything and I let her go down, Fluffy takes her to a park that is near where Jessy works because he knew the place and Angela, because of the confidence that Fluffy transmitted to her, only allowed herself to be carried away.

Jessy desperate for not knowing about her daughter takes the next train and after a while looking out the window, she sees her daughter sitting in the park in the distance, gets off the train and meets her daughter, hugs her, and when she sees Fluffy stares at him and remembers her husband's words on that first anniversary when he gave it to her "I will always be by your side even if I am no longer in this world" at that moment she realized that it was her husband through Fluffy that I take her to that place.

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