Diary Game Season 3 || 06/10/2021 || Wednesday|| 18% To Steem Bangladesh and 2% To BD Charity by js15

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago

My Dear Friends,
I am @js15 from Bangladesh

Today is Wednesday
October 06, 2021

Assalamualai Alaikum, I try to share my daily diary with you even today. So let's start with the description of my diary today...

  • Morning
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    I woke up this morning at 8 o'clock. I woke up, sat on the bed and called for a while. Then I got out of bed with a brush in hand and went to the bathroom to freshen up and go out after breakfast. He came out and chatted with his elder brothers. After chatting with my elder brothers, I went to the market. I came to the market and opened a shop. I opened the shop and sat down. I like being in the store because a lot of people come to the store. I closed the shop at 12 noon and went home.

  • At noon
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    So I have nothing to do in the afternoon. I sit down and call. Sometimes I go out and hang out with friends or older siblings. I like to chat a lot. Today I was chatting with my elder brothers in Tong. After chatting, I went home. After going home, going to the bathroom, taking a bath, I come to the room, finish eating and go to sleep as usual..

  • Afternoon
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    I almost woke up in the afternoon and still went to the bathroom to freshen up. I woke up this afternoon and ate something because I woke up a little hungry. After eating I came out of the house. I came out and saw some boys playing ludu together. I came to the store after watching their game. I come to the shop every day and turn on the computer and watch movies and video songs

  • Night
  • Good Night.png

    Close the store at around 10 o'clock. Turn off the store and go home. My home away from the market is 1 kilometer. I walk from the market to walk home. It takes 5-10 minutes to walk home. Then I went to my house and read it. I run a little late, I run the phone. The phone comes to run to run.


    This was my diary. Farewell here like today, I will appear again with a new diary. Stay well. God bless you



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