in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago



I hope you are all well and I am well. I am @imran15.


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Today I came to you with another book review. The book is basically a biography of the Prophet.


The book is written by Hakim Ummat Hazrat Maulana Nathan Bir Rahmatullah. You all know him, he was one of the best scholars of the subcontinent. He did a lot of service to Islam during the day, in which he wrote this book, he wrote mainly in Urdu, then the book was translated by Hazrat Maulana Mohammad. Aminul Islam Rahmatullah Alai.


So, if we read the book, we will be able to know about it. The book is very much a book. If you read the book, you will know what was the life of the Prophet sixty-three years? How did he live his childhood? How did he deal with people? You will get a clear idea of ​​the different wars he fought and why he fought in them. And we need to know why the biography. Because if we don't know the person we follow, then we can't follow his life scan and we can't implement it in our own life. Most of our young people today read the biographies of Einstein, the biographies of various thinkers but they never read the biographies of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is very unfortunate for our Muslim equals if we are asked to say something about the law, we can say a lot, but if we are asked to say something about the Prophet Muhammad, it is very unfortunate and very shameful that we cannot say.


So let's read the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and try to find out about him. Because as we claim to be his followers, we as followers must know the biography of the one we are following. If we don't know in his life, we will never be like him, and we will never be in question. So let's read the life of the Prophet. And if you read this book, you must be, and in this book, Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an that there is a good example in the Prophet Muhammad. You can know by reading the Qur'an ul Karim. So our best ideal is Nabiji Muhammad. If we want to be like a good ideal, then we must read the biography of Nabiji. So there are many books written in the biography of the Prophet. There are numerous books on the market. Another book written by them, Hazrat Maulana Nath Nabi, Ashraf Ali Thanbir Rahmatullah Alai has written, he has served the Ummah.


So let's read this book, you can get this book published by Gaussia Publications as soon as it goes on the market because he was a famous scholar of the subcontinent. So the name of the book is that Sarajan is intoxicated with the fragrance of flowers. Flowers are mainly used to indicate the Prophet. Since flowers spread perfume, the Prophet spread perfume all over the world. Since flowers spread perfume, the Prophet spread perfume all over the world, he did not come only for the Arabs, he came for the whole world, so we say that the world prophet Muhammad world economy Contains. He is not only the prophet of Muslims, we Muslims are also wrong to say that he is only the prophet of Muslims, in fact he is not the prophet of Muslims, he is the prophet for the whole world. Because we know in the Qur'an ul Kareem. It can also be said that he is the only prophet of the Muslims. He is a mercy to all mankind. God has sent him among us. So let's read his biography and enlighten our own lives. Enlighten our society. So don't delay, buy this book in the market beforehand. If you have the least desire to know about his biography, you can get the book when you go to the market.


I hope you like my book review.


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