Splinterlands Battle Challenge. Mantoid.

in Steem Bangladesh4 years ago

Hello Everyone.

How are you all?

I hope that you all are well by the grace of Allah.

In my todays post I'm going to share one of my splinterlands battle with you all. Here, I'm sharing my battle and explaining it bellow.

My Battle

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I'm posting this to join the weekly curation contest of share your battle challenge arranged by @splinterlands. To join this contest, you'll need to create a post about @splinterlands by following the rules they and post it in hive blockchain. After posting it in hive blockchain you'll need to share it also in on any social media. After that you'll need to comment both of your hive link and social media link in the comment section of their announcement post of this contest. I'm also giving the link of their announcement post of this contest bellow.

You will also need to follow the rules given in the announcement post. You'll need to play by the same ruleset or mana cap or use the same card that they've asked you to use in the announcement post. In this week's announcement post, they have told to use a Neutral Monster named MANTOID. Let's know about the card.


Mantoid (1).png
The Mantoid is an common neutral monster with ranged attacking ability which costs 6 mana cap to use in battle. I've been playing this game for more like 2 years and I'm also using this card for a long time. Playing with it is really fun. This card doesn't even cost a lo, so you can buy it easily to use it in your battle. Actually it's the SNIPE ability, the reason I like this card. This even gets better when it reaches level 6. Then it also has the SNARE ability. It also gets more faster and stronger. I guess you'll also like to use it.

Stats of Mantoid

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Link To Contest


My Battle Link:


My Lineup

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In my battle I used Cerberus in first because of it's healing ability. Then I used Fineas Rage in second place. Because, it's reach ability it can attack from the second position. Then I used Furious Chicken because it's free and it can hold at least one attack. Then I used Kobold Miner because it's sneak ability helps it to attack the last monster from anywhere. Then I used Ant Miners because of it's scavenger ability also it only costs 2 mana cap to use it in battles. In the end I used the theme monster of this week's contest. The Mantoid. As a ranged card it was the perfect position. It did well in the battle with it's snipe ability.


My strategy was to take the enemy monsters one by one by using my snipe and sneak cards while my first two cards will hold the attacks and also knock down the first enemy monsters. My strategy worked successfully and I won the battle.

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That's all for today.

I guess that you liked battle and post. See you again in my next post. Till then stay happy, stay sound. Also if you are not on splinterlands, than you can use my refer link to join.

My Refer Link To Splinterlands:


Thanks For Reading My Post

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