BD Photography & Writing Contest || 30 Steem in prize pool || Submission Post
My dear Participants,
Greetings to all.I am here to display my best captures & its beauty.At first I would like to thank @toufiq777 who has organized the contest.I am very much fond of natural & flowery photography.Let's see my presence.
Flowery Photography
Many writers & poet had been said their favorite words in writings.Some are mentioned in below:
“ফুল তুমি কেন এত মায়াবী,দু'চোখ আমার বেঁধেছো মায়ায়,
ফুল এ হৃদয় পুড়েছ তুমি, তোমার রুপের আগুনে,
ফুল তুমি ফুটেছো, আমার মনের আঙ্গিনায়,
ফুল তুমি কেন এত সুন্দর, আমার পাগল মন ছুঁয়ে দেখতে চাই। ”
― আলী আহমেদ
“ ফুল তোমার দেহে জলরঙের ঢেউ
ফুল তোমার সৃষ্টিকর্তা এ গ্রহের বাইরের কেউ
ফুল তুমিই শুধু তোমার তুলনা
ফুল তোমায় ছুঁয়ে দিলে রাগ করোনা।”
― আলী আহমেদ
I also want to speak from my own sense that "Flower shows us how to sacrifice its fragrance without expecting any benefits from us."Flowers may be called the music of the earth.They speaks silently from the chest of the earth.I always like to put flowers on the table.I think they make it look special.They also teach us how to be patient with hope.When they are born by struggle, they say never give up your hope.So never give up hope in life.Be patient.
Sky Photography
Such a scene in the night sky is not rare but it is rare to capture just in right time.Lightning is a lot like a short circuit.I read in class ten that a single lightning strike can be as strong as 500 million volts.Of course, there is nothing to fear because most do not touch the ground rather it is transferred from cloud to cloud.Sometimes it is seen dropping in field & crops are totally damaged there.
This is @eh-shohag speaking.
From #Bangladesh 🇧🇩
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প্রথম ফুলটি অনেক সুন্দর। এই ফুলটির ছবি আমার কাছেও আছে। অনেক ভালো কাজ করছেন। আপনি Steemit এর সকল ফটোগ্রাফি কন্টেস্টে পার্টিসিপ্যান্ট করার চেষ্টা করতে পারেন।
You are invited to join the flower community. It has 700 members who like pictures
I have joined just now.
I shall try to post.
Thanks a lot
#bangladesh #affable
Your welcome.