The Diary Game 🌀 Better Life 🌀 14.09.2021 by @banty1

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago

Hello friends,
How is everyone? Hope everybody is well and I'm fine too.
Today I will participate in the regular diary game competition by @steem-bangladesh like every day. Today I am sharing the diary of the way I spent yesterday.




fresh vegetable

I woke up in the morning and brushed my teeth. After brushing my teeth and completing my pressure work in the morning, my mother told me to have breakfast. After breakfast, my mother told me to go to the market. What should I do in the market? My mother told me to go to the market and buy some curry. I went to the market and saw a beautiful young pumpkin. I returned home with pumpkin and did it in other markets. In the middle of it, Lauta Ammu said so I went and brought it home. After bringing it, I put up a picture of the profit.



lunch preparation

At noon I told my mother what to cook at noon. She said I would cook chicken. I told my mother that I like chicken. Cook well. After a while he told me to leave. I left it after cooking. Then I prayed and after praying I told my mother to eat lunch. Send the food to my grandmother for me to eat. I played chess before when I cooked with my mother. Then I took a picture.



afternoon study time

In the afternoon I sat at the reading table for a little question. I also studied for a while. I did a little reading before the study, then I did some work online. With all this, I studied and took a picture of my winter while studying in the afternoon. Then I went out and chatted with my friend for a while. Then in the evening I went to the side and prayed Maghrib prayers.


Screenshot (27).png

screenshort at youtube

I watched a movie at night, I saw a drama, I saw a drama among some dramas on YouTube. The name of the play is Shilpi Natak. I like it very much. I had a lot of fun after watching the drama TV. After watching the drama at night, I sat down to eat and drink. Run a Facebook YouTube then get ready for a night's sleep.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 69460.30
ETH 3372.77
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74