Contest : Write a Short Story Taken From Your Life | Childhood EditionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago (edited)

Hello all friends of #steem-bangladesh, how are you today. I hope everyone is healthy as well as I am healthy too by the grace and grace of Allah. I'm very happy that this time I'm back here to take part in the contest held by @abuahmad. I thank him for holding this very interesting contest.

One day my mother and I went to a relative's wedding of my mother. At that time I was the youngest child in the family so my mother always took me wherever she went. Because I will cry if mother is not home. That day I did not go to school because I was with my mother. To get to the venue we had to take public transportation, before that we had to take a motorcycle taxi first to get to the highway and after that we took public transportation. After we took an ojek to the highway, we waited for a ride on public transportation for a while, there were several public transportations that passed but were already full of other passengers. Finally we boarded public transportation that was not crowded by passengers. After we arrived at our destination and a few hours we were there my mother and I decided to go back home. And we have to wait for public transport again to go home. The event house is located on the side of the highway, so it was very easy for us to wait for public transportation.


However, after we boarded public transportation, my mother did not realize that we had gone the wrong direction, because while waiting for a public transportation ride my mother was standing on the left side of the road (east direction), she should have been standing on the right side of the road (west direction) because west is our way home. My mother didn't realize it and when the public transportation driver asked for a fare, then my mother realized with the driver saying "get off where mother" asked the driver, then my mother answered "in Lhoksukon" and the driver said this was not the direction Lhoksukon (west) but the direction to "Panton Labu" (east), at that moment my mother was shocked and I was also scared because at that time I was still a child.

My mother immediately told the driver to stop the vehicle, my mother and I had covered the distance in public transportation for approximately 5 kilometers, my mother and I then got off and looked at the conditions around the highway, after feeling safe and not many vehicles were passing, mother held my hand and cross to the right side of the road to wait for another public transportation to the west. The driver was also very kind, he didn't ask for the fare for our misdirected number, maybe because he felt sorry for us.

This is the story that I experienced with my mother when I was a child. I still remember that funny and tense incident to this day. Thanks for reading.

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