Steem Bangladesh Contest | My Childhood Memories | 16 - 04 -21

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago (edited)

Hello steemit world, I am @alokroy404 from Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Hope you all are fine. Today I am going to write about my childhood memories so let's start..........

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Childhood Memories

• Childhood memory means memories that are formed during childhood. My childhood memories were awesome , everytime when I think about those memories i feel as if i am in a imaginary world. The best and golden memory is when i was in my mother's lap for the first time in my life. The feeling was too special . There are many more memories but this is incomparable to any other.


• I was a naughty kid in my childhood so far i remember.I used to break all the things at home and get scolded by mother. Most of the day i used to play with my toys . I often went to neighbors to hide from mom. I wasn't able to talk to the guests when they come. I was a completely shy kid.
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My First Day At School

• At the age of four i went to school for the first time . I can still remember the night before my first day at school. I was so excited that I asked my father " Should i get dressed now? because i don't want to be late ". Then they scolded me and i started crying because i was too excited to see my new school . Then the day came , The day was sunny and bright . I get dressed and started for school with my parents . Teachers were welcoming new students on the gate . They took us to to classroom. The classroom was well- decorated . The first class was a introductory class , i met new friends and teachers .After the class ends i was explaining everything to my parents what happened they were delighted after seeing my jolly mood .


• On that time , my parents arranged a big feast on my birthday . There around 50 people on my birthday.
Everyone brought gifts for me and i was unboxing them all in a hurry . In the evening , we cut the cake together . That was the biggest arrangement on my birthday till now so far i remember.

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• I still remember the days spent with my grandparents . They lived in India so we
went to see them yearly. I didn't spend much time with my grandparents so i missed them a lot. Grandparents teach the values of life and morality. But the gap was fulfilled by my neighbors. When there was no one at home they took care of me .They were just like my grandparents.

Childish Thoughts

• When i was a kid i used to think about imaginary things. Such as........
✓ Why don't i have any wings?
✓ Who is there inside the television?
✓ Why I can't touch the sky ?
✓ How is the fan moving?
✓ why the sky is blue and leaf is green?
These were some of my silly childhood thoughts. Still when i remember these i laugh and make my eyes wet.
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• In every afternoon, i used to go to a nearby park with my father . I had made lots of friends there. But those friends are no more with me now. Only their memories are with me. Not only them there were many more school friends and neighbors. After shifting our home i lost all of them. But i will always remember


• Life has both ups and downs and so i faced accidents too much as i was a naughty kid . At the age of three i slipped from the stairs and dropped into the floor. There was severe damage on my head and it took 2 months to recover . At the age of 5 and 6 i faced a car accident but luckily i was not injured . Besides them i had often got injured while playing .
But these things are to small in front of the good memories . Although my childhood was too joyful and enjoying. I wish i could get back to those days again.

I hope you loved my post and enjoyed it. Thank you for reading my post.

 3 years ago 

ছোট বেলার জন্মদিন গুলোকে অনেক মিচ করি৷ আগে আমরা যেভাবে সবাইকে সাথে নিয়ে জন্মদিন পালন করতাম। এখন আর তেমন করে জন্মদিন পালন করা হয় না৷ কারণ ছোট বেলায় যারা খেলার সাথী ছিলো৷ তারা এখন আর পাশে নেই।

দয়া করে copyright free ইমেজ শেয়ার করুন। প্রথম ছবিটি চেঞ্জ করুন।

@toufiq777 sorry for the inconveniences, the post was uploaded by mistake because steemit's functions were changed while writing. So, please consider the issues , i am editing the post and please review it again.

 3 years ago 

আপনার পোস্টের কোয়ালিটি বাড়াতে হবে। দয়া করে মার্কডাউনের ব্যবহার বাড়ান।

thanks for your suggestion

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