The Diary Game || March 15,2021 || A Good Day

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago

Hi every one. It was the start of new week. I always felt tired on Mondays and don't know the reason of that.
After waking up i hurried towards the school. Half of the day till noon just fly away there. At free time we teachers talked about the behavioral change of the children that we are experiencing. As they were all promoted last year without exams due to Corona pandemics, therefore now they are taking the studies as for granted. They are not serious at all and we teachers feel it very difficult to make them get motivated for studies.
Any how, when i came back home i had lots of work to do at home as well.
Afternoon and evening
At first i decided to have a little nap and then i decided to start with the wardrobe. Today i set the wardrobe of my husband. I first remove all the cloths and then sorted them all.


Then i started the cooking. I cooked white beans today. They are full of nutrients and easy to cook as well.


Dnt know this happen to you guys or not that after cooking you felt full and don't get the urge to eat whatever you have cooked with so much effort. 😄😄
My husband is very fond of home made ice-creams. So today i thought to give it a try. I haven't made ice-creams after my marriage so it should be worth the try. I boiled the milk with sugar and made it become thick and creamy on low flame. After that i put that in the freezer. Lets see how that come out.


At night i just had my dinner and now its the me time. My brother had suggested mw few movies and today i decided to watch couple of those.
Although i had started watching those but i had to complete them today. Both of them are Bollywood's movies of Akshay kumar. HOLIDAY and the BABY. So i watched these both movies one by one.
I used to avoid mobile phone in front of my daughter because she being a grown up became anxious about the mobile and try to see what that is. I don't her to become habitual of watching cartoons and other stuff on mobile phone. This is the reason why it took me so long to finish those movies.
Any way i got very sleepy by the end of movies. Both were awesome. Will be telling about those movies later sometime. Right now after writing down the diary i will be sleeping.


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

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