"Steem Health Contest-04 | My Best Health Cooking Recipe of the Week | Chivo guisado con arroz y pan"

in Steem LIFE3 years ago
Saludos amigos de steem health, felicidades y bendiciones para @shahriar33 por presentarme la oportunidad de participar en este nutritivo concurso, también la hago extensiva para todo el grupo @hmetu @blessed-girl @steem.health @ayeshagul.

Mantener una mente sana y un cuerpo blindado requiere de ciertas pautas en ejercicios y alimentación, en este caso vamos a hablar de lo que ingerimos, de los alimentos que nos ayudan a crear un sistema inmune fuerte para combatir todo lo que al ser humano puede causarle daño, como virus, bacterias y otras enfermedades.

Un plato debe cumplir con el mayor número de ingredientes presentes en la pirámide de alimentos entre ellos están las proteínas, cereales, verduras y otro complemento. Hoy les presento un plato que estoy acostumbrado a realizarlo regularmente en mi hogar, ya que cumple con estas pautas señaladas.


No sé si saben o están informados de la situación política y económica que actualmente vive mi país, Venezuela es un país muy rico en estos los términos pero en estos momentos la situación está difícil, les cuento que hace días realice mi primer cobro de steemit, por lo que me propuse dar ayuda a otros así que salí a realizar mis compras de alimentos para preparar un plato completo y poder hacer mi obra del día, varias personas se vieron beneficiadas ya que pude darles un plato de comida, me sentí muy bien al hacerlo y espero seguir haciéndolo.

Utilice un cereal por excelencia “arroz”, este lo prepare con vegetales como zanahoria, cebolla y lo condimente con sal, cubito y unas hijitas de laurel.

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-07 at 1.17.08 PM.jpeg
Cocinando el arroz

Como proteína use chivo, creo que en su país se conoce como cordero, la preparación de este la realice sellándolo con aceite y luego agregando todos los ingredientes para guisarlo, use tomate, cebolla, zanahoria, papa, ajo, sal, adobo y curri.

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-07 at 1.16.10 PM.jpeg
Mi hijo Austin, mi ayudante

Todo este plato lo acompañe con un extra que fue una rodaja de pan. Espero les guste mi plato preferido de la semana.

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-06 at 11.19.51 AM (1).jpeg
Bendecido sea Dios pude ayudar a varias personas

Greetings friends of steem health, congratulations and blessings to @ shahriar33 for presenting me with the opportunity to participate in this nutritious contest, I also extend it to the entire group @hmetu @ blessed-girl @ steem.health @ayeshagul.

Maintaining a healthy mind and an armored body requires certain guidelines in exercises and food, in this case we are going to talk about what we eat, about the foods that help us create a strong immune system to fight everything that can cause the human being damage, such as viruses, bacteria and other diseases.

A dish must comply with the highest number of ingredients present in the food pyramid, among them are proteins, cereals, vegetables and another complement. Today I present a dish that I am used to making regularly at home, as it meets these guidelines.


I do not know if they know or are informed of the political and economic situation that my country is currently experiencing, Venezuela is a very rich country in these terms but at the moment the situation is difficult, I tell you that days ago I made my first steemit collection, so I decided to help others so I went out to do my food shopping to prepare a full plate and be able to do my work for the day, several people benefited since I was able to give them a plate of food, I felt very good when do it and I hope to continue to do so.

Use a cereal par excellence "rice", prepare this with vegetables such as carrots, onion and season it with salt, cubes and some little bay leaves.
Cooking the rice
As protein, use goat, I believe that in your country it is known as lamb, the preparation of this is done by sealing it with oil and then adding all the ingredients to cook it, use tomato, onion, carrot, potato, garlic, salt, marinade and curry.
My son Austin, my helper
All this dish was accompanied by an extra that was a slice of bread. I hope you like my favorite dish of the week.

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-06 at 11.19.51 AM (1).jpeg
Blessed be God I was able to help several people

Invito a @aleisbertblanco @caromarin @helypm

 3 years ago 

Hi @yancar You have described this recipe very well with step by step explanation.

Thanks for sharing healthy and delicious recipe :)

Thank you for reading

 3 years ago 

Good presentation I think and I can see there is rice, vegetables and bread.

Hello @hmetu greetings, blessings and thank you very much for reading me. I want to give you my desire to grow together with our "steem health" community, I want to see if you can support me to design a contest, I have many ideas and desire to contribute and receive knowledge in return, I await your prompt response.

 3 years ago 

You need to wait for this, cuz I need to discuss it with our all mods.

Ok here I will be waiting to inject dynamism and contests that will attract many subscribers, and who knows how to become a moderator of venuela in this community. I know I am new and my reputation is not that high for just starting out but I know I will go far. Blessings.

 3 years ago 

Yes, and happy to see your positive response, Opportunities are everywhere, but they have to be created.

Y eso es exactamente lo que veo en steem health, muchas oportunidades, un diamante en bruto, habra otra manera de comunicarnos? me dijeron que discord

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