Drinking extra cold water is unknowingly destroying yourself

in Steem LIFE3 years ago


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Unbearably hot the house. inhaling and out of the house in weather . most of the people have a requirement to drink cold water in extreme heat. When he returned home, he opened the fridge and took out cold water.

Many people drink cold water all year round in summer except winter. But you recognize what? The habit of drinking this cold water can bring terrible danger.

Let's take a glance at the risks of drinking an excessive amount of cold water.

  1. don't drink cold water after eating. Cold water builds up excess mucus within the airways, increasing the danger of infection.

  2. Drinking cold water causes the blood vessels to constrict and normal digestion is additionally disrupted. this will cause serious digestive problems. consistent with experts, drinking lukewarm water rather than cold water after a workout are going to be more beneficial.

  3. Cold water shouldn't be drunk after exercise. this is often because after exercising for an hour, the blood heat rises much above normal. Drinking cold water at this point can cause various digestive problems.

  4. consistent with dentists and experts, drinking extra cold water features a detrimental effect on the vegas nerves of the teeth. As a result, our pulse are often reduced tons .

So if you've got a habit of drinking cold water, quit.

Terrible harm of drinking tea in plastic cups: research
Tea may be a popular beverage. there's no substitute for a cup of tea or coffee to alleviate the fatigue of the day's work. However, you've got to take care while drinking this tea or coffee. First of all, you've got to ascertain during which cup you're drinking tea. If the cup is formed of plastic, do not forget to drink tea during this cup.

Eating tea and occasional while standing during a roadside shop means eating during a plastic cup in most cases. hand over these habits.

According to researchers, it's not right to forget to drink tea in plastic cups.

According to them, plastic water bottles and baby milk bottles, plastic containers are heated within the microwave, and therefore the food sold in plastic bags may be a disease that's causing tons of problems.

According to researchers, bisphenol A, a toxin in plastics, may be a major killer. When hot food or drink comes in touch with plastic, that chemical mixes with food. When it enters the body regularly, the traditional functioning of the estrogen hormone in women is disrupted. In men, sperm count is reduced.

The heart, kidneys, liver, lungs and skin also can be severely damaged. there's even a risk of carcinoma .

The study also found that the ingredients utilized in making plastic cups, if ingested in large quantities, can cause variety of diseases, including fatigue, loss of hormonal balance, and loss of brain capacity.

For example, PVC (PVC) wont to make bottles or pots is softened using phthalate. This phthalate is toxic to our body.

If this chemical enters the body regularly, diseases like shortness of breath, obesity, type 2 diabetes, low IQ, autism, carcinoma settle within the body. So avoid living here for an extended time during a healthy body, avoid plastic cups, glasses, pots.


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