Steem Health Contest-2 | My Favourite Vegetable and Its benefits | My Favourite Vegetable 😍Red Spinach😍

in Steem LIFE3 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone

Assalamu Alaikum. How are you all?I Hope all is well with the infinite mercy of Allah.@Steem Health community gave a contest that is my favorite vegetables and its benefits. I am participating in Steem Health Contest- 2 with my favorite vegetable. I hope you all like my post. Thank you all.

Red spinach is on of my most favorite Vegetable. It has many health benefits and is very tasty to eat.


What is my Favorite Vegetable and why?

Red spinach is on my top list of favorites. I like to eat red spinach. Red spinach is rich in vitamins which are very beneficial for our health. Red spinach is available at easy prices. Red spinach is very easy to cook, it is very easy to cultivate red spinach at home. Basically red spinach contains a lot of vitamins which is why red spinach is one of my top list vegetables.

What is the difference between my favorite vegetable and other vegetables?

My favorite vegetable on the list is red spinach. All vegetables are rich in vitamins and all vegetables are good for health, but the nutritional value of red vegetables is much higher than other vegetables. On the other hand, red spinach is a little different from other vegetables. Red spinach is very easy and readily available, other vegetables are not very available. It does not cost much to grow red vegetables, it costs a lot more to grow other vegetables.

How often i eat this vegetable?

A very difficult question. In fact, the number of times I want to eat my favorite vegetable is incalculable. Because I have been eating red spinach since I was a child and I will continue to eat it in the future. It is not possible for me to count how many times I eat, but I eat many times. Red spinach is so dear to me that if someone puts meat, raw birani on one side and red spinach on the other side, I will choose red spinach for food.

What is the nutritional values?

The sweet thin texture of spinach is a central factor that distinguishes it from green spinach and contains red color. It is commonly eaten in parts of India and America and is also eaten in large quantities in Bangladesh. The African traditional medicine red herb works as a herbal remedy to cure gastric problems.The nutritional benefits provided by leafy vegetables are also extremely beneficial not only for health but also for your skin and hair. Red spinach is rich in vitamins which are very beneficial for your health. If red spinach is not a part of your diet, you can see the benefits below. You can understand why red spinach is on top of all other vegetables.

Red spinach is rich in vitamins. I will show the amount of vitamins in 100 grams of red spinach.
100 grams of red spinach

kcal51 calories
Vitamin B1H0.06 mg
fat0.5 grams.
kcal energy3g
iron2 mg
vitamin A1.9 mg

What is the health benefits?

Red spinach is rich in vitamins and maintains good health. The many health benefits of red spinach are:

  • The fiber content of red spinach is very beneficial for the digestive system. Red spinach increases digestive energy and improves health. Red spinach eliminates poppy stiffness, cancer, diabetes and cholesterol.

  • Red spinach is rich in amino acids, iron, phosphorus, vitamin E, potassium, vitamin C and magnesium which work together to eliminate cancer cell growth. Regular consumption of red spinach can protect yourself from cancer.

  • Red spinach is rich in beta carotene. Beta carotene is very useful for curing chronic diseases. The beta-carotene, which is a good ingredient in red vegetables along with various vegetable.

  • Red spinach is rich in protein. Protein helps reduce the level of insulin in the human body.

  • Red spinach is rich in vitamin K. Vitamin K is undoubtedly beneficial for bone health. Lack of vitamin K causes bone loss in the human body. Eating red spinach compensates for the lack of calcium and prevents bone loss.

  • Eating red spinach helps to clean the kidneys in the human body. Eat a limited amount of vegetables as well as spinach to increase kidney function.

  • Eating red spinach during pregnancy prevents mothers from becoming deficient in vitamins and minerals. Red spinach improves the fetus not only for the health of the mothers.

  • Eating red spinach reduces the amount of hair loss. Helps to improve hair quality. Strengthens the hair by its roots. To get rid of hair loss, you have to eat red spinach.

  • Eating red spinach increases iron levels in the human body. Prevents nutritional deficiencies in the body. Increases blood flow to the human body and reduces eye problems.

What is my impressions and suggestions to other people?

First of all, I would like to suggest to all of you that you keep a little bit of red spinach along with other vegetables every day. Not to mention my favorite vegetable. Red spinach is rich in vitamins, proteins, carotene, beta and calcium. It contains some important elements that will benefit all parts of your body. I have benefited from eating red spinach. I hope you will benefit a lot. You eat a variety of vegetables every day. Keep red spinach on your food menu, albeit in very limited quantities. I hope you will benefit.

Thank You

 3 years ago 

lal shak ami khub beshi like kori na.
By the way apnar presentation ta khub sundor hoise. Thanks for your entry.

Thank you apu.r lal shak khob upokari, apu,majhe majhe aktu khabar try korben.

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