in Steemit Ukraine2 years ago

my window view.png

It is with great pleasure to participate in the first edition of Contest "View from my window" #1 - Конкурс "Вид з мого вікна" №1, much appreciation to @strecoza and the Steemit Ukraine community for making this possible and may be it be the first many to come.

My area or community is a new settlement in the town, not many houses are there at the moment. But it is gradually filling in with people and new settlements, it was a vast land for farming like twenty years ago. For it being a new area and not habited by many houses, it is mostly quiet and has a lot of vegetation or weeds and bushes. Especially during the rainy season which is reaching its end and paving way for the dry season.


The view here is as you can see, the bushes in the community. Really heavy bushes and a clayed soil ground that is dry now. The atmosphere is kind of hazy with dust filled in the air. My neighbor’s houses showing widely spaced out.


The sun is setting is captured from this of my other window, dull weather it is wouldn’t you agree? The “harmattan” or dry is going to hit hard, that’s what the feeling is like. The atmosphere or weather is kind of dull at the times of the day and season.


These are my window views that I wish to share with you, thank you for going through. And thank you to @strecoza for the giving us the opportunity for the contest participation. I invite @mukka and @kataali to also join this contest.

 2 years ago 

У вас дуже чудова атмосфера, так як у нас в сели, мені подобається.

Дякую за участь.

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