My 10 Favourite "Saturday Scorchers" From Atom Collector Records ~ Music Selections 🎼

in Atom Collector4 years ago

The following tracks are a selection of the fantastic independent musicians that use

Friday Morning by @maurofiligheddu

Singing the feeling of a Friday Morning

Eyes Like Walls by Mysterioso

Visiting themes of loss, resignation and out-of-body experiences.

All Go to One Place, Pt.2 (And All Return to Dust) by @thresholdoffaith

There From Afar by Fleursonseaux

Riding The Waves IV by Biting Point

An instrumental inspired by the sea.

Quietandindifferent by @thresholdoffaith

Bullett Mustang (Live 96) by The Venus Overload by Dislocated Flowers

North Coast by Alonewolf

© Alonewolf
All rights reserved.

OPC - Dulce Et Decorum Est by Swivelable

Honor and Diplomacy are sorely needed in these times.

Malcolm on nylon & Lliam on steel-string Acoustics, Beva on Percussion.
Written by Malcolm Lucard
Recorded by Mike Grace


In a beatup barrio of bricks & linoleum down by the locked up water
Dirty Eddie & the coffee brewing of a young unwed daughter
The police & the drug lords of Panama City were snoring
When nana heard the helicopters, tanks & troops scream by the door
As the first explosions of dawn caught fire on the roof
She ran to the window but the word she heard were foreign
Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro patria mori

Bullets bolted the doors on the poor peoples part of town
Beat out to the streets by flames where they were instantly run down
Joan of Arc would’ve been proud to see them jump from the second story
Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro patria mori
Sweet & noble it is to die for your country
but the first strike attack is always meaningless oratory
Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro patria mori
Yea ya think you’re really brave, you’re a soldier & a fighter
I’ve seen bombs make your M16s seem like a cigarette lighter

In Medellín they missed the general, but they killed 300 more
Innocents where the bus to kingdom come sometimes pulls out without warning
So up and coming coke addicts could maintain their sick euphoria
The button pressed a nation of hope began to rise
screaming ramparts anthems of addiction soared across the sky
South America shuddered as the rain started falling
Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro patria mori
Sweet & noble it is to die for your country
But there’s no time for honor in this upped up allegory
Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro patria mori

Bad Karma by Gerontius

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