Music for steam week #29 (original song) "Medusa's Daugther" - by @victormaleficio

in Music For Steem 🎵4 years ago (edited)

This is an original song that alludes to an extremely beautiful woman who just by kissing can make the other person obsess over her, as if the heart was transformed into stone and stopped having feelings, resulting in the abandonment of family, partner, etc ... and to prevent her from continuing with her game, a man decides to end her life.

Medusa's Daugther

I used to think I was the stronger
I used to feel I own the world
until the night I saw her
she know she trap me, my life is gone.

But deep inside, she is carring a curpse
just one kiss and turn your hart into a stone
I know I love her, but I have to kill her
because she is Medusa's daugther

I don't remember what was around me
and when I realize she's gone
I can't control myself, I need her
I don't belong myself, I don't belong my own.

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