Music for steem semana 39. Atrévete cover de Herrero y Armenteros por @edmundocentenor / Music for steem week 39. Atrévete cover of Herrero y Armenteros by @edmundocentenorsteemCreated with Sketch.

Music for steem semana 39. Hola amigos esta semana les interpretaré una hermosa canción compuesta por los autores de la super conocida "Venezuela" Herrero y Armenteros, esta cancion: "Atrevete" fué popularizada por el cantante venezolano José Luis Rodríguez. Espero que les agrade mi interpretacion.


En tu pecho quema un sueño
que deseas conocer
la experiencia de entregarte
a alguien por primera vez

Al fundirse nuestros cuerpos
volaremos hacia el sol
Mariposa, no le temas
a la llama del amor

Atrévete, crucemos el Jordán
que la Tierra Prometida nos espera
abrázame, no te entretengas más
que la vida es solo un soplo y el amor se va

Te desnudas, poco a poco,
y dejas tu niñez
sorprendida sobre un pliegue
de tu piel

Y te acercas despacito,
te abandonas, sin querer
y la noche está gritando
que te hiciste ya mujer

Atrévete, crucemos el Jordán
que la Tierra Prometida nos espera
abrázame, no te entretengas más
que la vida es solo un soplo y el amor se va
que la vida es solo un soplo y el amor se va.

Link youtube:

Music for steem week 39. Hello friends, this week I will interpret you a beautiful song composed by the authors of the well-known "Venezuela" Herrero and Armenteros, this song: "Atrevete" was popularized by the Venezuelan singer José Luis Rodríguez. I hope you like my performance.


Dare yourself

A dream burns in your chest
what do you want to know
the experience of giving yourself
someone for the first time

As our bodies melt
we will fly to the sun
Butterfly, don't be afraid of him
to the flame of love

Dare, let's cross the Jordan
that the Promised Land awaits us
hug me, don't linger anymore
that life is just a breath and love goes away

You undress, little by little,
and you leave your childhood
surprised on a fold
of your skin

And you approach slowly,
you abandon yourself, without wanting
and the night is screaming
what did you become a woman

Dare, let's cross the Jordan
that the Promised Land awaits us
hug me, don't linger anymore
that life is just a breath and love goes away
that life is just a breath and love goes away.

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