Music for Steem week 24 - Sognami by Biagio Antonacci - Cover by Donatello

in Music For Steem 🎵4 years ago (edited)

Dear music lovers

I'm creating this post around 11 pm on Tuesday 24/11/20. I like this coincidence, I'm submitting "Music for Steem week 24" on the 24th.

This afternoon I managed to train and dance in the park although it was freezing cold.

As if it wasn't enough, I even danced to the same song because I loved looking at the sky.

Have fun watching!



Che questa mia canzone... arrivi a te
Ti porterà dove niente e nessuno l'ascolterà
La canterò con poca voce... sussurrandotela
E arriverà prima che tu... ti addormenterai

E se…… mi sognerai
Dal cielo cadro
E se …..domanderai….
Da qui risponderò
E se…… tristezza e vuoto avrai
Da qui ………. cancellerò

Sognami se nevica
Sognami sono nuvola
Sono vento e nostalgia
Sono dove vai…..

E se mi sognerai
Quel viso riavrò…
mai più..mai più quel piangere per me
sorridi e riavrò……..

Sognami se nevica
Sognami sono nuvola
Sono il tempo che consola
Sono dove vai…

Rèves de moi amour perdu
Rèves moi, s’il neigera
Je suis vent et nostalgie
Je suis où tu vas

Sognami mancato amore
La mia casa è insieme a te
Sono l’ombra che farai
Sognami da li...

Il mio cuore è li…

English translation

Dream about me

May this song of mine...reach you
I will take you where nothing is and no one will listen to it
I will sing it with a low voice...whispering it to you
and it will arrive before you fall asleep

And'll dream about me
I will fall down from the sky
And if'll ask
From here I will reply
And'll feel sadness and emptiness
From here...I will erase them

Dream about me if it snows
Dream about me, I am a cloud
I am wind and melancholy
I am wherever you go...

And if you'll dream about me
I will have back that face...
never again, never again that crying for me
smile and I will have back [that face]

Dream about me if it snows
Dream about me, I am a cloud
I am the time that comforts
I am wherever you go...

Dream about me my lost love
Dream about me, if it snows
I am wind and melancholy
I am wherever you go

Dream about me my missing love
My home is together with you
I am the shadow you will make
Dream about me from [down] there...

My heart is there...

A big thank you goes to the participants, organisers, curators and supporters.
Thank you for watching and please feel free to leave a comment!


Saludos Donatello, gracias por tu energía, he logrado escucharte y verte bailar, sigue con tu energía hermano, saludos desde Venezuela y cuidate mucho...

Siempre agradezco tu comentario. No siempre es fácil encontrar el tiempo y las palabras para dejar un comentario.
¡Que tengas un gran día!

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