My Cover of Leave Her Johnny a folk song by Johnny Collins

Hi guys, today I decided to post this song in the Music community and I hope you guys enjoy it, This is my acoustic cover of "Leave Her Johnny" which was originally a folk song by Johnny Collins, Dave Webber, Pete Watkinson from 1998. but the version which I am performing here is a newer version which was done by Sean Dagher · Nils Brown · Michiel Schrey. they did it for a video game called Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag. Though for this song I had to record back vocals, I decided to record a live performance video for this song. I hope you guys like it.

Lyrics of the song:

I thought I heard the Old Man say:
"Leave her, Johnny, leave her."
Tomorrow you will get your pay
And it's time for us to leave her

Leave her, Johnny, leave her!
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her!
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

Oh, the wind was foul and the sea ran high
"Leave her, Johnny, leave her!"
She shipped it green and none went by
And it's time for us to leave her

Leave her, Johnny, leave her!
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her!
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

I hate to sail on this rotten tub
"Leave her, Johnny, leave her!"
No grog allowed and rotten grub
And it's time for us to leave her

Leave her, Johnny, leave her!
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her!
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

We swear by rote for want of more
"Leave her, Johnny, leave her!"
But now we're through so we'll go on shore
And it's time for us to leave her

Leave her, Johnny, leave her!
Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her!
For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow
And it's time for us to leave her

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