Emma and Christopher's Remaining Recordings for Music for Steem

in Music For Steem 🎵4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! It brings me much sadness to say that I had to end my relationship last night with the most beautiful girl I have ever known. The pandemic changed things between us, and while they did seem to be getting better, it was frustrating for us both, and our individual perspectives on the relationship changed. We had done our best to try to work things out, but it was really overwhelming, and we decided to end things. After waking up today with less than two hours of sleep, part of me wanted to beg her to reconsider, but I know that once this bridge has been crossed, it can't be uncrossed (so it was foolish of me to cross it in the first place. Especially since we were both extremely tired). None-the-less, it was a coin toss about whether things would have moved in the right direction or not, and those odds never made me feel good. The covid19 pandemic really has been horrible for us all.

Just know that I will always love Emma, and I don't hold any ill will towards her. These recordings are beautiful (thanks to her), and I want to upload them so that both of our families (and our viewers here on Steem) can hear them. This is probably the last you will hear of Emma and me for Music for Steem, but maybe we will both continue to post by ourselves. I can't speak for her, and I don't know what the future holds for me.

The pain I feel is indescribable, and I hope you will forgive me if I don't post for a while. Here are the recordings we had left:


Shes Got a Way

Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

Let It Go

Here is our completed playlist

I will end with the poem I wrote her for Valentines Day this year; a day which marked great joy for us both! The poem still perfectly represents the way I feel:

First Love

My Love has never meant so much to me;
Its meaning was confined to all I knew.
I’d known True Friends; I’d known Sweet Family,
But definition came through knowing You.

The Time we’ve shared has been beyond my hopes;
Your Beauty is above what I could dream,
And so Our Love has gone beyond the scope
Of all I could expect True Love to mean.

But time is slowly mocking our Sweet Love,
And circumstance is teasing You and I.
Such Love could not be meant to live above
The Dreams that You must follow off awry.

Whatever fate may plan, or future bring,
Your Love means more to me than anything.


Ohhh Christopher and Emma, so sad to hear this. I really wish both of you an amazing future.

Thank you very much for the music you guys brought. And for these releases of the prerecordings.

God bless both of you. We are so grateful that we got the chance to hear your talents.

Sorry to hear about the end of your relationship with Emma.

Hope you are both able to move on to the next chapter of your lives at college.

And thank you for putting up these songs.

The Steemit Team

I love the song let it go. It's one of my favourite song.

I am really sad to hear that about your relationship , when we love some one it is really dificult to see the day without him/her whatever be the reason. i wish you luck and stay strong.
And yes the Poem is really beautiful @cmp2020 .

Great song and beautiful voice!

It really hurts when people we made memories with become memories ....but I hope it wouldn't be so!

I especially like the "can you feel the love tonight" but it's so sad that I can't feel any Tonight. Stay strong!💪

Thanks for sharing these beautiful music

I am sorry to hear about your relationship.

I had been through the same before.

But someone told me , when a door is close, the other one is open for you.

Stay happy always

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