Steemit Engagement Challenge | Share your views about your country |"The Three Rs and Three Cs" | By @zulhendra

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

Hello all dear friends!

This is one of the most interesting topics for me right now, a few days ago I really wanted to take part in the contest made by "STEEMIT PAKISTAN", so many people like this contest, even steemian from my country, namely Indonesia. talk about this contest, especially the most awaited, get a lot of support from the steemit team if the posts we make are interesting for everyone.

Indonesia is a country that is very famous for its tolerance, including tolerance for different religions but still united, different ethnicities but still one, different opinions but still one.Indonesia is also very friendly to all visitors from any country.


Edited Using : Pixellab

Three Reasons Why I Love My Country

1. Tolerance of Different Religions,Tribes or Regions.

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In Indonesia there are various kinds of languages, regions or tribes, cultures, religions but here it is still normal and still greets and respects each other's beliefs, among the religions in Indonesia are Islam, Christianity, Protestantism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Kongucu and many others that I cannot mention one by one because there are so many, and in Indonesia there are 742 regional languages, 7241 cultures, 1,340 tribes.

Even when we fast in the month of Ramadan as Muslims, many other religions still respect because it is not allowed to sell food while fasting, only allowed to sell at 4 pm and so on. Likewise with food, they also know the limits of not offering food to the people Muslims are foods that are not allowed in the Muslim religion, so I conclude that I really like tolerance in Indonesia.

2. Various Cultures From Various Regions

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In Indonesia, the culture is very much, from weddings, events when children are born, dancing events with various kinds depending on the region, and also various traditional clothes.

  • Among the names of dance culture in Indonesia are :
  1. Saman Dance from Aceh
  2. Tor Tor dance from North Tapanuli
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  3. Plate Dance from Minangkabau
  4. Taruk Langgai Dance from Mentawai
  5. Ronggeng Blantek Dance from Betawi
  6. Jaipong Dance from Karawang
  7. Mask Dance from Cirebon
  8. Bedhaya Dance from Yogyakarta
  9. Serimpi Dance from Yogyakarta
  10. Gambyong Dance from Solo
  11. Reog Dance from Ponorogo
  12. Jaran Kepan Dance from Ponorogo
  13. Balinese Kecak Dance
  14. Balinese Pendet Dance
  15. Kancet Ledo Dance or Gong Dance from Kutai Kartanegara
  16. Shell Dance from North Sulawesi
  17. Pakarena Fan Dance from South Sulawesi
  18. Paduppa Bosara Dance from South Sulawesi
  19. Gandrung Dance from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTT)
  20. Caci Dance from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)
  21. Lego Lego Dance from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)
  22. Tide Tide Dance from North Maluku
  23. Design Saureka Dance from Maluku
  24. Welcome Dance From East Papua
  25. Sajojo Dance from Papua
  • Various Kinds of Traditional Clothing in Indonesia :

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Traditional clothing in Indonesia is also very good and also very beautiful, depending on which region and everything is good, among the names of traditional clothing are:

  1. Ulee Balang: Traditional Acehnese Clothing
  2. Bundo Kanduang: Traditional Clothing of West Sumatra
  3. Ulos: Traditional Clothing of North Sumatra
  4. Aesan Gede: Traditional Clothing of South Sumatra
  5. Teluk Belanga: Traditional Clothing of the Riau Archipelago
  6. Traditional Malay Clothing: Traditional Clothing of Riau Province
  7. Jambi Malay: Traditional Clothing of Jambi Province
  8. Paksian: Traditional Clothing of Bangka Belitung
  9. Bengkulu Malay: Traditional Clothing of South Sumatra Province
  10. Tulang Bawang: Traditional Clothing of Lampung Province
  11. Pangsi: Banten Traditional Clothing
  12. Betawi Traditional Clothing: DKI Jakarta Traditional Clothing
  13. Sundanese Kebaya: Traditional Clothing of West Java
  14. Kesatrian Ageng: Traditional Clothing of the Special Region of Yogyakarta
  15. Javanese Kebaya: Central Javanese Traditional Clothing
  16. Order: East Java Traditional Clothing
  17. Safari and Kebaya: Traditional Balinese Clothing
  18. Traditional Sasak Clothing: West Nusa Tenggara Traditional Clothing
  19. NTT Traditional Clothing: East Nusa Tenggara Traditional Clothing
  20. King Bibinge and King Baba: Traditional Clothing of West Kalimantan Province
  21. Upak Nyamu: Traditional Clothing of Central Kalimantan Province
  22. Ta'a and Sapei Sapaq: Traditional Clothing of North Kalimantan
  23. Gamuling Baular Lulut: Traditional Clothing of South Kalimantan
  24. Kustin: Traditional Clothing of East Kalimantan
  25. Lipa Saqbe Mandar: Traditional Clothing of West Sulawesi
  26. Nggembe: Traditional Clothing of Central Sulawesi
  27. Laku Tepu: Traditional Clothing of North Sulawesi
  28. Kinawo: Southeast Sulawesi Traditional Clothing
  29. Bodo: Traditional Clothing of South Sulawesi
  30. Biliu and Makuta: Gorontalo Traditional Clothing
  31. Cele: Maluku Traditional Clothing
  32. Manteren Lamo: North Maluku Traditional Clothing
  33. Ewer: West Papuan Traditional Clothing
  34. Koteka: Papuan Traditional Clothing

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In Indonesia, the routine of drinking coffee has become a culture, because Indonesia is one of the best coffee producers, and every night, especially in the Aceh province, western part of Indonesia.In aceh every night people drink coffee, especially in aceh it is full of coffee shops, wherever we go there must be coffee shops, and most of them are open 24 hours because many stay up late.

Especially when the final ball game is in, the coffee shop is definitely full, and the owner of the coffee shop has experience every time there is a football match, they definitely use plastic cups so they don't break, because if they lose, supporters will hit the table, sometimes the glass will fall, so they immediately use the glass. plastic, when there is a football match it is very exciting to watch in a bustling coffee shop.So I suggest that this is one of the most exciting things in Indonesia with various customs in terms of clothing and others.

3. A Tour With a Very Beautiful View



In Indonesia the scenery is very beautiful, both in terms of the oceans, mountains, and also waterfalls. especially in Bali which is very famous for snorkeling and many who come from other than Indonesia enjoy their vacation to Bali because it is very beautiful, and there are also those who go to Sabang which which is the western tip of Indonesia is also very beautiful, and there are many other beautiful places such as Lombok, and also Papuas and many others.

Fish in this country are also abundant, be it coral fish or grouper fish, lobsters and there are still many fish that are very expensive here, because there are a lot of coral reefs.And the waterfalls in the province of Aceh, Indonesia are also very numerous, and the water is very cold.

Three changes I want in my country
1. Stop Corruption

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I want that in Indonesia there will be no more corruption cases that will harm all people, Indonesia is very famous for corruption cases, both in terms of road construction, construction, and financial assistance for the community there are those who corrupt it, hopefully this will disappear from Indonesia, hopefully all officers who handled this case took firm action so that similar cases would not be repeated.

Because if there is no corruption this country will definitely be very developed, such as making roads if there is no corruption and making roads with good materials will definitely last long and in the following year can continue to build roads in other places, not in the same place, because if there is no corruption build roads and some are corrupt and use cheap materials to make more money the roads only last a short time and will be destroyed.

2. No New Pay Get Job

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In Indonesia today, it is undeniable that almost all jobs or even all of them, if we want to get into a job, we have to make a payment first for a certain person or boss, and if not we will not be missed or not pass to enter a job🥺.

Even though applying to a company is not an easy thing to even have to spend tens of millions to go and live in an area to apply for a job, not to mention payments for certain superiors or bosses, I am very sad about this.

Hopefully cases like this will be dealt with very firmly, this is what keeps many people from getting jobs, even people who have got jobs can be shifted by people who have money and will lose their jobs.

3. Fair Decision

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In Indonesia at this time it is very sad because many people in power take action against the guilty unfairly, even what is right can be wrong at this time just because of money, people who corrupt people's money very much are only sentenced to 3 years in prison or even lighter, and when he is still in prison, he can still get out of prison, walk leisurely wherever he wants, and even in prison he can still live comfortably with facilities such as hotels, this is all because of money and those who have a lot of money can manage everything here.

While ordinary people who only steal fruits because of hunger are punished for decades, even though those who steal are very old, even walking is difficult, I am very sad about the state of this country now, hopefully all of my hopes and many other things I hope will come true, amen.

I invite my friends @realworld23 @victoria-bella and @abialfatih to join the contest.


Thank you very much for reading my post and commenting

My Achievement 1




Luar biasa postingannya sudah sangat bagus....

Terimakasih banyak pak sudah membaca,mengomentari postingan saya,semoga kedepannya postingan saya akan semakin tambah menarik bagi semuanya.😊

Nice post. Corruption seems to be the inherent problem in any form of human rulership. It seems unreal to find a government that's not corrupt. But at least, you're enjoying other aspects of your country and that's a good thing. Nice post

Thank you very much for your appreciation my friend, I hope this problem is resolved in all countries, this is a very clear problem but no one is acting in the government.🙏

Yea. They're not acting because that's were they gain from. When you see their massive wealth and riches!

It's clearly paying off for them.

Terimakasih banyak kawan,mari ikut serta dalam kontes ini👏😊

Postingan yang bermanfaat sekali kawan, kerja bagus

Terimakasih banyak kawan,semoga harapan kita semua di indonesia terkabulkan,dan menjadi lebih baik lagi kedepannya.

Terimakasih telah mengunjungi postingan saya

Ya sama sama kawan

Mari ikut serta dalam kontes ini

Postingan yang sangat indah

Terimakasih banyak kawan,mari ikut meramaikan kontes ini

Postingan yang luar biasa pak 🙏

Terimakasih banyak telah membaca postingan saya pak🙏😁

Anda membuat postingan yang sangat berkualitas dan juga sangat detail,saya sangat menyukai postingan anda sangat mudah di pahami dan juga tidak bosan saat membacanya.

Terimakasih atas pujian anda ,saya sangat senang membaca komentar anda bahwa anda menyukai postingan yang saya buat kali ini.🙏

The biggest problem in our country, Indonesia, is corruption.
if corruption can be overcome by itself economic growth will advance

Yes, that's right, my friend, hopefully it will be resolved quickly and followed up firmly, so that the same problem does not happen again.👏

Thanks very much,lets join contest

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