The dairy game : 15-june-2021| HATE MONDAY

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Assalamualaikum everyone here i am again with my diary game hope you all are doing good❤️


So the day started at 2:00 pm I woke up late because I was very tired last night 🙂 so when I woke up I usually checked my phone to see messages,fb notifications etc I received the bad+good news .The new was.



yarrr matlb 1 din pehle kon batata hai💔😖
I told this to my mother and her reaction was opposite from mine she was happy with this news she said chalo shukar khuli to sahi schoolein This new was good+bad for mine
Good because❤️ we will met our teachers friends , classmates after so long ❤️☺️
And bad because 🥲 the holidays was over no more vacations.


Then had breakfast sadly 🙂 done the daily routine house cleaning then I checked my books my 3 books were missing I was confused 😂😂 and screaming so much at everyone where is my books I wasn't able to found them😂😂 my mother said that I saw ur books on side table last night I checked everywhere but I can't found then I checked my sister's bag then i found my books😂😂 📚 I finally got chill then packed my bag according to my time table 👍
Then I used my phone 📱 then my khalaa arrived at our home with this little munchkin ❤️🐣Ameer Hamza waa here ♥️

We played alot then my father arrived we had our dinner then I need to sleep early today because next morning I had to attend my first class after covid-vacation i wrote this then my day end🙂
Regard: @zoyasoomro
Special mentions


Must’ve felt nice meeting your friends after a long time..

 3 years ago 


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