Dairy game : 8-sep-2021 | GOOD DAYY💘

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Assalamualaikum everyone here i am again with my diary game hope you all are doing good❤️
So,my day started at 2:00 because there's no electricity at my home and my generator wasn't available. So i got fresh then had my breakfast then i help my mother then i complete my homework
Then today we had to go at my khalaa's place then i got ready and i leave from home at 6:00 then i reached at the place the i played with ameer hamzaa alot ♥️
We had our dinner then we leave we ate ice cream at the way 😋
Then we reached home 🏡 i got bored and i have nothing to do 😂 so i made it😂 i know its not perfect but i tried my best🙂
This is the picture of ameer hamza i made.
Or this eye i made it from my own👀
Hope you like it..
Then my day end here.
Regard: Zoya soomro❤️
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