The diarygame | 6-jan-2021 | back to the routine

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago

Hello steemians !

I hope you are doing okay . This is my 41th diarygame post in this community so let's Begin with it .

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As you guys know that my exams have ended so my life is back to the routine . I woke up today at 8:30 am to attend the financial accounting class which ended at 945 am . Then I took a power nap and woke up at 1130 am . Then at 1130 am I joined another class of data structures . The class ended at 1 pm . After that I did finish my breakfast very late . Mom made Porridge because I wasn't feeling very good so porridge is a very light dish and doesn't hurt the stomach.


After that I went outside with my father to the market to buy some material required for the construction purpose . When we came back the electricity of the society was gone .


As there was no electricity so I went to the aba scene hotel with my society friends to drink chai but my friends wanted to drink coffee so we ordered coffee . The coffee took a long time to prepared around 10 mins . But it was worth trying.


The light didn't came after a long time . It was some major failure in the wiring so the dinner was also not made . So mom made noodle for me which took only 5 minutes and it was easy as there were no electricity and generator was not working so it is hard to make food in the dark .


------------- The end ------------
That's all folks for today .
Special thanks to;



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