The Diary Game | 6- May - 2021 | A Bad Day

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Hello, Steemians on another episode of the diary game, I hope you all are fine and safe, Today was an unfortunate, bad day for me but the important thing is I never let myself down, Anyway, let's start:


  • Morning

It is Wednesday, I got up from sleeping at 3 O'Clock and take a healthy shower, and started to use Google classroom and found I have a test tomorrow and I have not made any preparation for it:
But then I decided to leave it and do some sehri instead, I ate some chicken tikka and Parathas, It was delicious and after drinking some soft drink I started to feel energized and forgot about my test assignment.

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After eating so much and praying Fajr prayer, I decided to study some for the test but my brain stopped functioning and I told myself to get some nap then I will start again and also set some alarms so that I will not miss my assessment:

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But then, unfortunately, the nap becomes a deep slumber and I woke in hurry at 9:30 and I wasn't ready to do my test and got low marks because of my own laziness. But instead of becoming depressed, I didn't let myself down.
After this, I started my PC to play some CSGO and had some hope to win some games today and get some high kills this time but the luckless day of my life keeps on stretching I got tired and decided to quit(CSGO xd).

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But this time also I never let my self down and decided to get some more sleep and then I woke up at Zohar, I prayed Zohar prayer at the nearest masjid from my home and then at exactly 4 O'Clock my very own student of mathematics came to my house and I taught him some maths in well manner way.

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After that, I got tired and prayed Asr prayer and ate some of the iftari and in that iftar I ate this thing, I don't know its name but it was a hell of some spicy material and delicious too. It was so spicy that I had to eat some sugar after that and drank almost 4 glasses of Chilled water, I do not recommend any of you to try this, Because I read somewhere it is not healthy to eat that much spicy.
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Then I rushed to the masjid and prayed Maghrib prayer and after coming to my home I drank some hot tea, It is my daily routine to have some tea after iftar and I think everyone has this habit because the tea eliminates all the stress and anxiety and the person starts to feel energized again, It is better than drinking sting or any soft drink.

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  • Night

So after that, I decided to watch the series which I left, The series name is Mr.Robot:

mr robot.png
Review: The first episode is a lot flashier than the rest of the show, but from there on out it gets weirder and extremely surreal. It's one of my favorite shows on TV and the first half of season 2 is considered nonsense by some people, but if you like extensive dream sequences and a dose of pure insanity am pretty sure you'll be a fan of this masterclass.
After watching the Series, Here comes the saddest time of the day I was confident that REAL MADRID surely going for a win this time and was a bit nervous too because it was a champions league game and you never know what's going to happen next, But unfortunately this time also I was unlucky and the whole fanbase of REAL MADRID also got depressed as Real Madrid lost to Chelsea by 2-0, But it's a game in which you cannot win every time and should always be determined to do even better than before rather than regretting the past.

That's all for today, Thanks for stopping by.



 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

You eat such a delicious food hope that my pending service will rewarded soon

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