Wednesday-Educational Theme - Physical Fitness (Weight Loss)

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Hello everyone!

Hope you all are doing wonderful!
So, the topic of this week is about losing weight, as you all know this is so common now a days that everyone is putting on weight in this technical era. Therefore, this is something what I have been through.
No wonder after every 5 or 6 people we see that everyone is having an issue with their body fat which is defiantly don’t allow them to do a lot of physical work in their daily routine, I feel no shame to tell you guys that I use to belons to that category but a year before my inner feelings started hitting me so hard even, I am not be able to play my favorite sports like cricket. It is my body fat which bothers me a lot.

I decided to start working out and lose my body, A year before my weight was 89 Kgs which is a lot for young guy to do any physical activity for a long period of time. When I started workouts, I use to go to gym and do my workout and just repeat it on daily basis. After few months I have noticed that I have not lost a single kg from my body and which was so disturbing because I use to workout about an hour on every single day.

Thereafter, I figure it out that I was just go to the gym burn some calories but when I eat, I used to eat more calories than I burned in the gym. Boom! I realized it is not about only working-out it is about to maintain your diet as well. Now, my weight is 79 kgs and my body fat percentage is 13% before it was 28%. I will share my experience with you guys that how it works.

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Well, I won’t say to stop eating but you have to be very smart about what you eat. You can eat whatever you feel like eating, but you have to be very calculative about your body because it is only you who can understand that what your body allows you to eat. For sure your body need some fat as well but be careful because I am talking about the good fat not a fat that you get from junk food like fast food items.

Junk Food item Pic

My Routine.
It’s been a year that I am working out and I never put self on dieting. Normally people use to sleep at night and it is very healthy and I will also recommend you to sleep well or give proper rest to your body. But in my case, as you all know that I have my own business to provide services in USA so I sleep in the morning after 8 am because of the time difference between Pakistan and USA.
I finish my work at about 6 am in the morning and right after that I go to the gym and start working out, my workout is very intense usually it involves cardio and weight training both I equally distributed both, spending so much time into it and reading a lot if articles really help me to maintain my workout routine. When I decided to lose my weight I calculated my intake of calories per day, if I eat 2000 calories per day then I have to burn about 23 to 2500 calories in a gym per day.
You might be thinking that it is very hard to burning 2500 calories per day in a gym, you are right at your initial level it is very hard for you or maybe you won’t be able to do that. What I suggest you is put yourself in different activities as well like I do running jogging sometimes I play cricket so with the help of these extra activities you will be able to reduce your required calories.

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Eating Habit.

Whenever we think about food our mouth starts watering. As I mentioned above that do not put yourself away from a food you like but be sure to eat in a healthy way, you can do that by dividing your meal into 5 or 6 times a day. If you start craving to eat something, just go and eat it but make sure do not full your stomach with that, just take a small portion of that meal and leave it for the next time. With this you will feel more energetic than ever before.

Best foods for weight loss.

  1. Egg whites


  1. Salmon


  1. Chili Pepper


  1. Oats


  1. Banana


  1. Many More.
    These are some essential foods to reduce your overall body fat. I used to eat these a lot in my daily routine. There is no rocket science involve in this.


Well, as I mentioned that it is you who know your body better than anyone else, but there is one advise which I want to tell you guys that try to sleep well and if possible so sleep after you have done your workout because when you sleep your body is in rest mode and grow better, it will give proper change to your body and you will feel the difference if you follow this. If you’re a job person than after the all the tough routine of the day just go for your workout and eat properly before sleep.
Maybe I can help you with my experience what I have been through, If you feel to ask me anything than I am just a text away from you all.

Take car and stay healthy.
Thank you for give it a read.

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