in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Assalam-O-Alaikum STEEMIT!

Here's my entry for the contest organized by STEEMIT PAKISTAN. I hope you guys will enjoy reading the post.



The Winter Season


We know that there are different seasons throughout the year, including Winter. Every season is disliked by some people and liked by some. Winter is a season that is also loved by some people and hated by some other people. There are various reasons due to which this season is loved. Similarly, there are multiple reasons due to which this season is hated.


Reasons to Love the Winter Season


Winter is an amazing season. Here are the reasons why I quoted it as amazing:

  • First of all, this season is a perfect time for those who like to style up. Compared to summers, you can wear more outfits in winter like T-Shirts, jackets, hoodies, winter caps. I like the winter season for fashion as I can create a better outfit collection in winter.

  • Secondly, it is an excellent season for going on a trip to Northern Areas. This is the time when snowing takes place. Northern Areas are wonderful, and their beauty is enhanced with snow. Therefore, this season is fantastic for those who like to travel or those who go on a yearly trip to Northern Areas.

  • Lastly, and the most important reason, in my opinion, is the vibe. Every season has its vibe, and the Winter Season has a different vibe. This season brings a vibe of calmness and peace with it. The vibe is enhanced when you lie on your bed, in a blanket, drinking a hot coffee and watching your favourite season on your laptop. Also, going on walks in the nighttime when cold air is breezing, and the streets are empty is also a different level of enjoyment.

  • Also, the sleep that we get in this season is unmatchable. When we go to sleep, the coldness and the warm blanket help us sleep better. Even when there is load shedding, I keep sleeping as the turning off of the fan does not affect me in this season. This is because the weather is already cold.


Reasons to Hate the Winter Season


With the reasons for loving the Winter Season, there are also reasons for hating this season. Here are a few of the reasons:

  • This season, along with peace, brings laziness with it. We get used to waking up late and getting late out of bed in winter. We get tired and want to rest on our bed and do no work. Therefore, this season makes us less productive.

  • Along with the air getting cold, the water gets cold too. Some people do not have a geyser. But, taking a bath is also essential. So when you go to take a bath in the cold water, you may catch a cold, and if your skin is sensitive, it hurts too. Also, performing wudhu at the time of Fajr is difficult as the water is colder in the morning time.

  • In winters, you get a night of better sleep, but this becomes a problem if you have a schedule of waking up early. Students like me and those who have to go to work in the morning find it challenging to wake up in the winter.


My opinion on the Winter Season


Every season has its advantages and disadvantages. But I love the winter season! Yes, I agree with the reasons due to which people hate Winters, but the vibe it has is precious to me. Some people may not feel the vibe it has, but for me, this season is the best, and I enjoy this season.

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