||Educate the women Empowerment /Woman know their rights|| participate by@sualeha on 3-August -2021

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)



Hello Every one !!!!!

I hope all of you good ,First of all I would like to thanks steemit Pakistan and @vvarishyy who organized such a wonderful contest . specially in Pakistan women not knew their right 70% people lived in villages , literacy rate is too low .Not only in rural areas in cities women violence reported daily.
Now discuss in detail about what is the rights of woman in Islam,in lows and how women Empowerment .

women rights in light of Islam

Our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
And in Quran frequently consulted Muslims men to treat their wife's and daughter well

"You have rights over your women" He is reported to have said "Your women have rights over you "(Al-Quran)


Our beautiful Islam give equal rights to women in form of sister, daughter,wife and mother and all respectable realtion.
Before Islam Arabs not gave respect to women even baby girl buried her they thought that she head down his father in society not care about her life partner .
In Quran Alla h pak said

"Buried girl will rise out their graves and ask for what crime they were killed"

Mohammed peace be upon him said about mother,s respect .He told

Heaven lies in the feet of mother"(Hadees)

In Quran equality between all and said that
"The only good deed may raise the status of one human over other"(Al_Quran)

Women Empowerment in Pakistan

Pakistan ranks second lowest in the world for gender equality placing at 149 out of 149 countries women
Women are creating initiative to support greater political and economic equality.

Types of Empowerment

Women empowerment defined in five types separate

  • Social empowerment
  • Educational empowerment
  • Economic empowerment
  • Political empowerment
  • Psychological empowerment

Challenges empowerment in Pakistan

In Pakistan still challenge empowerment the weak institutional set up ,female avoid mobility access to Education, access to Health facilities,lower decisions making power thus face a high rate of domestic violence.
It's discouraging and disappointing that woman face Un equality at a higher rate in rural urban women'.

Barriers to women's empowerment

The deta relates that there exist various barriers in the form of attitude of people ,Talibanization , lake of education, misinterpreted and wrong practice of pakhton wali and decision (parda) and political empowerment of women


My opinion and solution

In my opinion women build stronger from beginning ,a little girl become women so we should work on our girls give good food , respect , equality in daughter and son give equal apportunity to grow well in future
but the question is that are women become really strong??? I think not at all ,take measure at Government level .Mother's day,Inter national women's day must celebrate on large scale and awareness build in women what's the rights she would had.In order to bring very change in society and man's behavior.


In the last I am trying to said that women not a weak creature ,51% in population
It's a responsibility of every male to take care his women at home because as they play a very important role in the society.

In the last I invite my friend @allahnawaz03 ,@drhuma,@ahteshamgumnaam to take part in lovely contest . Thanks to reading my post

Thankfully mentioned
My 1 st Achievement post link here
See you soon an other post till then take care good night byeeee

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