Steemit Engagement Challenge week 3 || Defend The Statement || Be a Critical Thinker

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

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Hello to everyone present in this great community known as STEEMIT PAKISTAN I welcome you to a great week alongside an awesome contest. Today, I will be making a publication regarding this contest. I will be defending some statements that have been given to us by this community. so I urge you to relax and sit tight while I make my selection and as well defend them.


As provided by this community some statements to defend and below are the statements that I will be defending.



Right from the recreation, a woman is been tagged a helpmate. A helpmate in the sense she is supposed to render a helping hand to a man. before now, how do our ancestors figure out the fact that a woman is supposed to cook for the family? did anyone make that a law? did we read a book on that? all the answers to those questions are no yet the woman takes charge of the kitchen. this is a default setting from the beginning. It has been orchestrated that a woman's place is in the kitchen.

allow me to stress my point a little, a long time ago when I came back from school, I found my mum cooking and my dad may his soul rest in peace was in the sitting room watching a movie and then I greeted them all and I kept my bag in my room. when I returned to the kitchen where my mum was, I didn't find her and I was so hungry then I wanted to collect some food and boom she caught me and asked what I was doing in her kitchen. so I marked that word her kitchen. my dad has never called the kitchen his but my mum always stresses that word. this is what we all know, in fact when my sisters and I were so little, anytime my mum is cooking she always called on them to come and learn as though the kitchen is theirs.

So beyond doubt a woman's [lace is in the kitchen, she takes care of the kitchen because it is her responsibility. she owns the kitchen. often when my dad was still alive, he normally take permission from my mum just to get food. this is not because he is weak but because that is her office, so whatsoever that happens there or wants to happen will be decided by her. my dad gives her money and she often gets the needed things.

The man takes care of the home by providing the needed items for the family, and also protects the family, while the woman takes care of the kitchen and everything concerning the dishes. this is a fact not to be contradicted. we were born to know this thing as a norm regarding a woman. so truth be told the place of all women is in the kitchen.


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the love they say defeats all, but money without a doubt gives answers to all things. Love is so precious and good to feel but when money comes in, it makes love sweeter. yes, love is priceless but I tell you nowadays money does purchase love. permit me to tell you a story just to put more light on this statement.

This is a true-life story, A friend of mine saw this beautiful lady on Facebook and then they became a friend. shortly she started having feelings for him and he saw the green light, he asked me if this was the right thing to do, and I told him to follow his heart. they started dating, and love was in the air, overlooking many flaws. at that time money was not a factor. she loved him and he loved her and after that, things were just perfect until a day when her phone got stolen. the calls reduced as well as the texts. he was also in a difficult situation and could not help. ladies and gents this lady that claims she loved him came to tell him that she had made a stock of her life and she has seen that there is nothing meaningful that has been added to her life since the very day they started the relationship. she began to avoid him and many other things followed just because he had no money to get a phone for her. then comes a guy with money, on the second visit to her he bought her a phone, not just any phone but a very costly phone. within two months she has forgotten about my friend and had started a relationship with the new man who bought her the phone.

Now tell me, which of it is important, money or love? seriously when there is no money love is scary but when money comes love ignites. money is a factor that spices up love. so when you get the money you have gotten love and not the other way round. so in a nutshell money is way more important than love. love can not pay my tuition fee but money can, love can not pay my rent but money can, love can not get food for me but money can. love is you satisfying your feelings but you need money to survive. love will get someone to be attached to you but love keeps that person connected.


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In as much as the steemit platform is built on a decentralized system, no one have a right of vote and vote are not guaranteed. I fail to understand how users crave these votes as if it is their right. we all here are privileged to be part of the steemit platform and as such we should not be sure of things as though we know them all.

The steemit platform has provided users with various ways to learn, it is through this platform I learned how to gain an audience from the Business Activity community, and I also learn how to trade very well from this platform through the help of certain professors in the SteemitCryptoAcademy community community and again I have learned so much and I am still learning on how to stake my Tron from the Tron Fan Club community. If If I want to learn these things from different places I will be charged. but I got everything here free of charge, it is a thing to be thanking.

I was selected as one of the best article writers in the week one steemit crypto academy engagement contest, so I asked a question if I will be getting an upvote and I got no answer so after going through the first announcement concerning the engagement contest, I noticed it was written boldly that votes are not guaranteed. that was how I moved on. knowing this fact has helped me not to rely on getting votes anymore. I do my thing and then hope for the best.

The high time we all accept this, the better for us. when this engagement started, I decided to do all my engagement posts be it whether I get a vote or not, and to date, we keep pushing on. we all should know that votes are not guaranteed. and until we have cultivated this in our hearts we won't get it right. now newbies coming to the platform are also curious to get votes from steemcurator01 that is because of the mentality they've gotten from the old users. we all should learn not to put our minds on getting votes from steemcurators let's us just keep all hope alive and wait for our time because it will surely get to everyone provided hardwork is kept constant. if you are writing an article, do it willingly and not because you want to get an upvote but because you want to educate people. upvotes come when the curator has seen a need for it.


This is indeed a great concept, bringing all these topics to be discussed is truly innovative, I commend this community for a job well done. I have come to the end of my publication regarding the engagement contest of this community. I will like to make use of this medium to invite @weasell, @swaylee, @victoh78, @badmus-official, and @gidsbrown to participate.


Haha 😄 what an interesting story, but I really do feel for that young man, indeed money is more important than love, nice write up friend !

I enjoyed your entry plus 02 bin show love so I am more than fired up for this engagement contest. I will immediately start working on my entry. Thanks for inviting me.

Kai swaleey you are just too funny. Actually it is nice to see that you are motivated for this contest, i await to read your article. Greetings

Greetings I loved how you take for granted, that the woman is not in the kitchen because she is the maid, but she considers it the space where she is in control and she is the one who organizes and sets the rules in her "office". Best of luck Have a nice day

Yea, many people misconcept the statement and as such looks as if the woman is a maid, not at all. She is in charge of the kitchen and everything that happens there is been controlled by her. Thank you for visiting my post. Greetings

  • hola Si es cierto las mamás son dueñas y esa es su oficina, ellas se encargan de todo desde las compras hasta servir y por último dejar todo limpio.

  • El dinero lo es todo porque sin el como compramos nuestra cosa, como mantenemos nuestro vivir diario.

  • Y con respecto al curador todos debemos esperar nuestro momento porque siempre llega la votación.

You have actually summarized all what i have just said. It shows that you understood everything that has been put down. Thank you for your kind words. Greetings!

I enjoyed your post by your story under the segments money is more important than love I feel bad for your friend but money spice love not give it, only is there is lust and opportunity takers who will establish themselves and still leave you later.

Exactly my point brother, love is good but money is more important than love. Love can not put food on the table but money can. Without money the love will fade away. Thank you for your kind words. Greetings!

Thanks for reading

 2 years ago 

money is a factor that spices up love. so when you get the money you have gotten love ad, not the other way round.

I have the same point of view. you have explained the things deeply and all are defending the statements.


Thank you for taking part.

You are right ma'am. With money you can rekindle the love so well, but without money the love will fade away. Greetings ma'am.

This is beautiful brother I love the fact you backed your point with real life experiences. These are interesting topic to talk about and I appreciate your invitation, working on my post to.

 2 years ago 

Yes you share very good points about money and it is true in modern era if you have money its mean you have more chances to find true love.
In my point of view I considered a women as queen of kitchen instead of maid.
Best of luck for the contest dear

Thank you so much for reading

Thank you for inviting me in this contest I have see all you have said and I must say you have argued a righteous battle

Very good defense of your allegations about money and votes I think you are very precise, now each home is like an individual planet, in yours your mother was the owner and manager of that area in my family the men participate actively and prepare dishes exquisite so it is totally mixed it is a coexistence to make a meal on special dates, I am glad that your efforts in publishing are recognized, very good publication and very well written. greetings and blessings for you and yours

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