A special Day | 28-4-2022 | The diary game

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago


Hello steemians, how are you? Hope you are fine and had good and blessed ramzan days. This day was something entertaining and busy for me and I want to share it with you also.

It was just an ordinary weekday morning. I woke up, dressed my self and went to school. As usual, the school went boring except of P.E class in which we swam in our new swimming pool. I came home tired and there was no electricity at home. I became frustrated and went to take a bath. After that I went to perform Zuhr prayer and laid in masjid till 3o'clock.

When I came home, electricity was still gone and my phone was not charged. I was getting bored in house so I decided to do something unique. I came up with an idea of making ice-cream so i went to shop and grabbed some chocolates and beans. I came home, melted and mixed them together and kept it in the freezer. I was happy of doing a stupid experiment 😂 and also excited to taste it after iftaar.



It didn't look good in shape but it was deliciously soo good and tasty. Anyways, at 4o'clock my parents received a call from our relatives and it was an invite to iftaar party as well as khatam ul taraavi of my cousin. I was happy to see a change in daily routine and after 1 hour, we got ready to go.


The iftaar party was at ramada, so we reached there 30 minutes before iftaar. I was anxiously waiting for the time to pass so I can eat delicious dishes. Time by time all our relatives came and we all sat together to do dua as the time of iftaar was near. The wait was over and the azaan happened. Then we did iftaari and took rest in hotel room as we have to stay there for taraavi also. Instead of resting me and my cousins went to swim. We swam for around 30 minutes and then went to take rest. Then we prayed for Isha and went for taraavi. After taraavi we went to our cousin's house to applaud him for taraavi. Many people were there to greet him as you can see and it was the moment of honour for him. Then we ate food and did some chit chat. After that we came home.



After coming home, I took a bath and went for ibadat in masjid with my friends. Many people were there including us and we recited Quran, prayed salaat tazbi etc. After 1 hour of ibadat, me and my friends decided to go to sehri. We asked each other and many of us agreed. Then we gathered after sometime and went to sehri. In our group was our friend who never go out of the society. We persuaded and insisted him alot than he said that he will go. We all then reached at the hotel and ordered our sehri.



After doing sehri, we went to pray for fajr prayers and after that, went home. I really enjoyed that day and I hope you guys also have enjoyed ramzan alot.
Thank you for coming on my post and taking out time to read it❤.

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