Weekly Engagement Topic Contest Week #6 - Invitation Of week #7 What do you do to remove Stress,Anxiety and Pressure From Life? || by @simonnwigwe

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Hello guys,

Its yet another great opportunity for us to discuss. Each time contest as such comes up, I feel very happy because am always enlightened even the more. I learn from more people as to how they handle issues as well. Today we will be discussing a real life scenario. How you can remove stress, anxiety and pressure from life.


First and foremost, I want to explain what I understand by the word stress. Stress can be seen as an illness caused by difficult physical conditions. So most often than known when someone is sick and taken to the hospital the doctor sometimes recommends bed rest for the person I.e to say he has been stress up. Its important to mention here that stress can be mentally or physically. When you over work the brain its termed mental stress whereas when you over work the body its termed physical stress. In which ever case you find your self the only way to remove the stress is to relax I.e avoid the work for the main time and freshen up take a glass of cold juice and sleep for a while. It will really help in removing the stress.

Secondly, when we talk about anxiety in these context we mean a state where someone feel nervous or worried that something bad is going to happen. When we feel these way its always not very easy to take our hearts off from our thought. But we can actually remove it by mingling with friends, go to places where people are making presentation, go to movie show and even go for clubbing. Some people will even go as far as taking alcohol just to forget about their thought.

Finally, when we talk about pressure, we mean difficulties and feelings of anxiety that are caused by the need to achieve or to behave in a particular way. Most often than known we are faced with the challenge of achieving a particular goal but in one way or the other, we are trapped. When we find our selves in these situation, all we need to do is remain focus, if we didn't get it today we will get it tomorrow. Further more, we can remove pressure by reading or listening from people who are ahead of us, these is because they have passed through the same road before us so they will mentor us and remove the pressure from us.

In conclusion, we all need time to rest from our daily activities, we also need mentors who will always guide us, we need to mingle with people so that we will not always be caught under the shadow of our own weakness. In these ways and more we can actually remove stress, anxiety and pressure from our selves.

Thanks for reading through......





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