in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone, its a month of love and hope we are spreading and enjoying this love. Today u will be participating in a contest organized by @steemit-pak.


My steemit journey

Its been a beautiful ride all along but not without challenges. I heard about steemit some months ago and i was introduced to the platform in October 2021. Then the journey began...
Stay with me as i take you along my journey in steemit.

How i felt about steemit platform

After being introduced, i was directed on how to create my introductory post, which i did and luckily it was verified with immediate effect. I happily moved on to achievement 2 where i got stock.

I thought i had to completely undergo achievement post and being verified before moving to any other activities on steemit

This was my main stumbling block, as the days went by i became more frustrated because my achievement 2 wasn't verified, i called all i could to know avail. Honestly i was discouraged. But thanks to my mentor @b-naj that quickly brought me on track and since then he has been guiding me through.

From the time that i was corrected, i am happy to belong here thats why we are bend on introducing othets to these platform.
steemit is a place to be

what i have used my earnings for

Golds are hidden deep down the earth
Pearls arent found on the shores of the sea
Neither the foundation of mansions are same with that of a simple building .

I have been 4 months on steemit and i must say i have never withdrawn none of my earnings (@club100). Not because i dont earn but because i power up everything since i have learnt the importance of power up to the ecosystem and to my reputation on steemit.
Its a building process for me, still digging down at the foundation level.
Its a planting process for me, i cant eat up the seed, im watering for a greater harvest.

my rescent power up

what i will used my earnings for

I am a nurse, apart from the fact that i will used part of my earnings on myself, I will also used some for charity purpose. Steemit has taught me a lot on charity and at times i advocate for my patient on steemit.

The scenario above was a patient that couldn't afford some essential drugs, i advocated and he was helped through this platform.
I am inviting @ngamd @rockana to this contest
Thanks for reading

 2 years ago 

Good luck to you... keep going 💪

 2 years ago 
Prime MemberNo

Account operated by @aniqamashkoor

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