Weekly Engagement Contest || New Topic: Write About Five Positive Changes Steemit Brought in You! || Nomination from @sampu || The Five Positive Changes Steemit Brought in me

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

My sincere thanks to @steemit-pak for choosing such an interesting topic.

I'm a Steemit user since last 40 days and I would like to note down the five changes I observed Steemit brought in me.

(i) Better utilization of my free time : As I'm working from home since the COVID-19 pandemic, I have almost 2hrs of free time. Previously I used to travel for around an hour from home to reach office, and same to come back to home from office. I'm now using this spare 2hrs in Steemit. This gives me a mental satisfaction.

(ii) Strictly against plagiarism : Most of us used to copy an article we found interesting in facebook and share it via WhatsApp. However, Steemit has zero tolerance for plagiarism. Hence, we write the post here by ourselves. There was an instance where one of my post in bengali was copied by another user, translated in english and posted in own name. This incident happened in another community. I felt it myself how it feels when someone tries to steal credit of hard-work.
Not only in Steemit, I no longer share things found from other sources in WhatsApp without mentioning author's name.

(iii) Understand the value of interaction : I expect other Steemitians read, comment and upvote in my post. Steemit made me understand nobody will upvote or comment on my post if I do not comment on theirs. This made me understand the value of interaction with others not only in Steemit, but in real life also.

(iv) Cross checking : A newbie like me well understand the frustration of waiting for the resource credit to refill. As Resource Credit reduces in case of editing a post, Steemit made me realise the requirements of cross-check before submitting my post. I followed this in real life also.
Very recently I received an appreciation from my manager that silly mistakes in my work has been reduced.

(v) Value long-term investment : I realised instead of cash-out the Steem, if I invest them as Steem Power, my upvote value will increase. That will also increase the curation reward I receive. Not only in Steemit, planning and working with long-term plan is much more safe and stable than reaching quick goals.

My Achievement-1 Post - Click here

As a prerequisite to participate in the contest, I have upvoted and re-steemed this announcement.


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