Steemit Engagement Challenge || Share your views about your Country || "The Three Rs and Three Cs" || By @rubilu123

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

🎤🎤God bless our homeland Ghana,
And make our nation great and strong,
Bold to defend forever
The cause of Freedom and of Right........source

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This is the start of the beautiful anthem of my country Ghana.
When I was in primary and junior school we used to sing this with so much passion, maybe at that time, we didn't know what those words meant. We only sang what we were taught in class.

I come from one of the most beautiful countries in the my continent(maybe not the most beautiful). My country Ghana is located in the west African part of Africa.

We are officially known as the Republic of Ghana🇬🇭. We are surrounded by our kind hearted neighbours who are placed perfectly to the west, north, south and east. To the north is Burkina Faso 🇧🇫 who are not so far from us. To the west is Ivory Coast 🇨🇮. To the east is Togo 🇹🇬 .



It's even more fascinating to learn that we do shared a common currency with a few of this countries; its not their official currency but they also spend it there. So its quite easy to get there and have an easy way around. You don't have to go to the bank to change your currency before you can spend it.

In my country Ghana we run the democratic system of law, where we elect our president every 4 years. A single ruler can lead the country for a maximum of 8 years which means that no single president can sit for more than 2 terms.

In my country Ghana, we speak a variety of languages as the ethnic groups here are numerous. We recognize English as our official language even though its not widely spoken by every single citizen. Apart from English, the other popular local language is Twi. This language is spoken by the Ashantis but it has been widely accepted by the country. Other popular local dialects are Dagbani which is spoken by the Dagombas, Ga which is spoken by the Gas, Ewe which is spoken by Ewes, Fante which is spoken by the Fantes and so many others.

We are diverse and we leave together in harmony.

Now this brings me to my first point. The reason why I love my country.

Firstly, we are known to be very peaceful



We are people of diverse language and diverse ethnic groups . As a people who leave together in one area , we have different ideas and opinions on matters but this doesn't make us have misunderstanding. We are people who love peace and we show it where ever we go.

This is the single reason why we have been ranked as the 3rd most peaceful country in sub-Saharan Africa and the 38th most peaceful country in the world.

Apart from the fact that we are ranked as the 3rd most peaceful and 38th most peaceful in the world, we are able to reflect this through our having of peaceful elections every 4 years. Since gaining independence in the year 1957 we were under president Rawlings who decided to take the decision of presidency as an election after leading the country for a number of years.

Since making it a democratic state we have never had any serious issues with elections which have had to be settled with blows or weapons. A candidate who has a problem with the election results finds his way to the court and after the court decides it ends there. That candidate will have to wait till the next term to stand again.

Secondly, I love my country Ghana because we are hospitable. We portray this to foreigners who travel from their country to come pay a visit to our country. We treat those people with care, we make sure that no harm comes to them until they go back to their areas. We take them round the most beautiful of places and make sure they are as comfortable as possible even if we do not know them.



Because the country is filled with a lot of beautiful places people tend to visit from all over the world. As a kind gesture and to portray our hospitality we take them to the indigenous of places for them to see and experience our rich culture.

Our rich culture, as in our local and indigenous dances, our local dishes and also our indigenous places which have been preserved to show to the world.

Thirdly, I love my country because we have beautiful places where tourist can visit.


I think this can be best called tourist attractions. As I said already, we have foreigners come and go for a single reason, which is to experience our rich culture.

Our rich culture can be seen in our indigenous places. If you do not know it is in Ghana that we have the ever famous Elmina castle. This is a place where our colonial masters uses as their Castle when they colonized Ghana back in the days.

Part of this places is the well preserved kakum national park. This is a forest like area where Animals are kept. From wild animals to non harmful animals. People come all over to have a feel of the kakum national park.

This are the 3 reasons why I love my country, after speaking about what I love I will now talk about what I will change in my country Ghana.

I must admit that there are so many things to love about Ghana but it cannot be perfect as it will have flaws and if we do work together we can perfect those flaws.

Firstly, I will like to change the economic situation of my country.



Suddenly the prices of commodes, especially food commodity have started shooting up. We tend to blame this on the Ukraine and Russia law but its not them. The prices of things shoot at a very alarming rate that we are beginning to think that the sellers are only taking advantage of the war to make high profits in their products.

An item can shoot up as much as by 50% in under a week and the next week it will still shoot up. This is what I will wanna change. Its difficult to find money every day and the prices of stuff in the country are not going down but keep on going up. The people in the country are not seeing an increase in their wages and salaries but instead commodity prices are going up.

One other room for concern is price of fuel. I can tell users for sure that 1 litter of fuel which was under a dollar about a month ago has pumped up to almost 1.5 dollars in just 1 month. The sad part is that we see the prices increasing by an alarming rate each day and we can't do anything about it.

Secondly, I will like to change the job situation In the country.



Most people in my country are just schooling now, they don't have hope of being employed at the end of the day. Before you can get a Job you have to know someone who knows someone that knows you. The big men in the offices have passed their retirement ages and instead of retiring they are in the offices hoping that their children who are still schooling will come out and take over from them in the future.

If incase they do retire, those places will be left vacant until their children can take over.

I have seen many other complete school without employment, they stay in the house for years till they have to look for alternatives. My senior brother is a perfect example of this. He finished school but had to stay at home for up to 5 years till he was permanently employed. For some it's even worse.

Thirdly, I will like to change the corrupt nature of the leaders in the country.



We the citizens in the country believe we are suffering today because of how greedy some of our leaders are.

When a minister in this country is elected he doesn't pay for a single thing anymore. All he does is to sit in parliament and speak his mind. At the end of the day he takes home bonuses for sitting in parliament. He is given a loan to buy a luxury car, the luxury cars fuel is bought with the tax payers money. He is given money to acquire or rent a house. Every thing he does is being paid for but still when there is a decision to be made that will favor the country, they tend to put themselves first.

A perfect example is with the e-levy that was approved recently. Majority of the people in the country are against it because we are saying times are hard in the country. But the ruling government has turned a blind eye and gone and approved it. The minority on parliament were fighting against it because they are in opposition(that's what they always do) .

But at the end of the day it has been approved and we will see the effects soon.

The leaders only think about themselves and at the end of the day they seem to forget that we put them there because we thought they could do the job.

This are the 3 Rs and the 3Cs about my country.

I hope users will enjoy reading my post.

Thank you.

 2 years ago 

I have never visited Ghana before. But I have learnt many things about the country from your post. You have a nice country. God bless you.

You have described very well about your country and i also like the way you want to make change to solve the unemployment problem. Best wishes for you

Thank you for passing by.

I believe with tge change of mind in leadership we can make Ghana a great country.

Algo muy importante que comentas, es la variedad de idiomas que manejan en tu país, pero algo que me encanta en particular es que mencionas lo pacíficos que son a pesar de existir pensamientos distintos, por algo se encuentran en el top 3 de países más pacíficos del mundo.

Y cuando junto lo que mencionas de su hospitalidad con los paisajes que nos muestras, me dan ganas de visitar y conocer en algún momento este gran país.

Gracias por compartir tu opinión y presentación de ese país. Muchos éxitos en el concurso.

😀😀Yes, this makes me never want to leave my country because of the peace we priotize.

It will be fun showing you round my country, do try and visit.

Bad leadership keeps popping up over and over in most African countries, the sad part is the unemployment, which I believe is still the case of bad politics, it is just saddening to not have heard a positive thing for once about African political leaders.

Nice entry by the way.

Thats the problem with the leaders of Africans. Most leaders make huge promises and then they go there and become so greedy, they focus on the money and leave the citizens to rot in the country.

In my country Ghana we run the democratic system of law, where we elect our president every 4 years. A single ruler can lead the country for a maximum of 8 years which means that no single president can sit for more than 2 terms.

I really like this rule. Because it givd opportunity to others too.

Nice explanation about your country. Thanks for sharing us.

Yes, we abide by this strictly and no sitting president is allowed to even talk about changing it.

As a country, we have similar aspects. The greed of leaders is devastating. Only black earth can satisfy the eyes of the greedy person.

😂😂Thats true buddy.

If I may ask which country do you come from.

Ghana our brother and our friendly rival, I from Nigeria and I must say ghana is indeed a great nation. Our shared history and relationship between our countries is unique. Hopefully one day I will come to ghana. What does akwaaba mean?

Your country truly is a peaceful place to be, I love you people languages, dishes and lot more, I wish you will be able to change all this things in your country, every where is corrupted but all what we need to look up to is a world that is free from all this problems and that will be in the future, I'm looking forward to that world soon, and that will be in God's kingdom

I didn't know about this before now

It's even more fascinating to learn that we do shared a common currency with a few of this countries; its not their official currency but they also spend it there.

You have described your country well and I feel like coming for a tour already.
So many African countries are suffering from economic, lack of jobs and corrupt practices of our leaders.
We hope and pray for a better Africa.
Best wishes my friend

I am happy to see your entey and your love for your country. and also happy to see your beautiful places of your country. I really like it.

And jobs situation is a big problem of every country. Hope one day it ia solve it..

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