Betterlife - The Diary Game : 05 Jan 2021 || Lovely Birds

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago


Lovely Birds

The winter holidays passed without a trace. And tomorrow I have to go to school job. ALHAMDULILLAH the beginning of the morning is very good. Even today, after the early morning engagements and breakfast, I made a list of today's tasks .


My Bike after Service

the most important of these tasks was to service and tune the bike. Because it had been a long time since I had tuned my bike. And I have a habit of servicing the bike first and then the rest of the work. The service station is quite far from home. I wanted to go there but on the way I cautiously asked the mechanic if there was a service shop nearby. So he gave the address of a shop nearby. When I got there and the bike service started, I saw a bird shop nearby and my inner photographer woke up. I pulled out my cell phone and started taking pictures.

I made quite a few pictures. One of the best photos of them is of a couple of parrots who seem to love each other very much. After taking a picture of the birds I saw the bike had been serviced. Then I took a picture of the bike. After that I went to the mechanic and then the work of tuning my bike started. This work took a lot of time. After that I came home and after lunch I spent some time reading posts with steemit.


Photoshot taken while Machenic servicing the Carborator of Bike

Then I slept for a while and rested. When I woke up, I went out to take the kids on bikes. We also bought biscuits and candies from the shop and then came back home we watched cartoons for a while. And then it was time for dinner. We all ate and then I started writing my diary.

Special Mentions :
Thanks alot for the constent support ❤️

Regards @rashid001

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Que bueno que lograste hacer las reparaciones y que en la tarde lograste pasear a los niños y comprarles dulces.

A pesar del esfuerzo en la mañana en la tarde llegó la recompensa.

Saludos Cordiales.

#onepercent #venezuela #affable

Muchas gracias . 🌹🌹 A menudo llevo a mis hijos a andar en bicicleta. Y están muy felices. Para un padre, la felicidad de sus hijos es muy importante.

Tienes toda la razón, para un "buen padre" la felicidad de los hijos es lo mejor.

Así que te felicito por serlo y por dedicarles tiempo tan importante para ellos como para ti.

#onepercent #venezuela #affable

Very nice post about The Diary Game.
When a motorcycle breaks down, there is a lot of anger if there is no mechanic nearby.
@rashid001 The love story of parrots has made your diary game even more beautiful today.

Thank you🌹 @afzalqamar brother for the compliment

Welcom most welcom my dear brother.

Nice post about animals

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