Invitation Of week #7 What do you do to remove Stress,Anxiety and Pressure From Life?

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago
Good afternoon, everyone! Today I bring you my participation in the contest that our friend @steemit-pak brings us where I will talk about my tricks to eliminate stress, anxiety and pressure from my life and forever. I hope you like it :D

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Image made by @raquelsiso1 on the website:

Many times we wish to be a relaxed person or like those who seem to care about nothing... But it is difficult, we live with the stress, anxiety and pressure that falls on our shoulders. We can't live without them and they are always around the corner to upset us at the most inappropriate times. The chores, the housework, the job, the busy schedule, the expectations of others, the disappointments and the beloved deadlines that have sometimes tortured us.

These and other factors can build up in your head and there will come a point where you will explode and end up with everything. This usually happens to me instead of just once, and I know very well that these three little friends can be harmful to our health. So, although it will be impossible to eliminate them completely, we can reduce them as much as possible with various activities. Also, the best way to eliminate stress is with routines whether it is exercise, or extra time to hit something and that is that stress, anxiety and pressure can be eliminated in several ways, you just have to figure out which one suits you best.



Balance your obligations

In life we must have balance, sometimes we do not focus on one thing and this brings us a lot of stress. So, why not do something you like to do once in a while? You can go out, listen to music, because just working without any rest is very bad for you. So give yourself some time to relax and take some of the stress out, forget about everything that's going on around you. This is like a little escape from reality, of course you should not leave everything aside to have fun, because life is full of responsibilities.

Something that happened to me very often is that I carry a lot of responsibility knowing that I can pass some on to other people. This mountain of responsibilities consumed me all the time. So, distribute. Some people believe that doing something for themselves will be better, I believed that too, but we can't face a battle alone either, can we? So, share responsibility with others, you're not alone so there's no reason to do things alone. Besides, this sharing of responsibilities will clear up your schedule a bit and the magic moments will appear for you.



Leaving everything at the last minute is something we often do and that's where we can easily fall into a rut, so you'd better check your schedule and make a few changes. Include the hours of rest and don't leave anything for the last minute. Did you know that at school children have their break time not only to eat, but to relax and take a break, but what if we take away the children's break, yes, they will look more tired and upset. So, organize your life by putting together a schedule where you have time to rest like I do who have a few minutes a day to watch a show or listen to music and this time is among my tasks.

You can organize your schedule in this way: forty minutes of homework where you will attend to your responsibilities and 15 minutes of rest. Of course this depends on each person, you can organize it as you wish, the only condition is that your rest time is not greater than your work time, besides, every day do something and do not leave everything at the last minute. For example, I do a small part of my homework at the university every day so that on the last day I can relax. By doing that you will eliminate a little bit of your stress on a daily basis. So, you know, first rule: Get organized and balance your schedule, as well as sharing responsibilities with other people.



Sleep well

Many stay up late doing their homework and take up hours of your sleep. You know, this is the time your brain takes a break from a long routine. Why do you take away that rest time? If you sleep well, you'll be able to perform better the next day, plus you'll forget about stress. "But I'm busy all the time" that's what many people say and this happens because you don't organize yourself. To relax you need organization, this simple word is fundamental in your life so, remembering the previous point: "Organize and balance your life" without forgetting the precious hours of sleep.



For example, the hours of study: at night we think that if we spend all night studying is the best, we see it everywhere, but the reality is that at night your brain works less, because it is tired. If you think about it, at night things seem more complicated, you do not learn your lessons as quickly as you do during the day and this is because your brain wants to sleep will not work as it does when it is completely awake. So, if studying at night is not the same as studying during the day, why don't you give your brain a rest so that it will be awake and ready to study the next day?

Your brain will thank you if you give it enough rest, so remember to add your sleeping hours to your new schedule.

Connect with others

Another way to eliminate stress, anxiety and pressure is to talk to others, as I mentioned you are not alone in this world, you have friends and family who will help you get through this and yes, the relief will take the weight off your shoulders and these people who love you will give you support and encouragement to move forward. So, take your time to talk to your family or spend some time with your friends, have fun and laugh with them and if you need to, take out everything you have on you and accept some of their advice. It's not that you throw responsibility on them, but you can relax a little bit with all of them.



You can also spend time with your pet, they will help you relax and think things through and even have fun. You can let off steam with them or if you want to cry you can do it. Show your feelings and tell them to someone who will listen to you and can help you, this way you will feel a weight lifting from your shoulders and you will be able to think about what to do to solve your problems.

It's normal to feel pressured by some things and even want to cry. But you are the only one who decides whether or not to get out of there, remember that no one reads your thoughts. So, take your time getting ahead of yourself with the help of others. But above all, do what makes you happy, because your happiness does not depend on anyone else and other people's happiness is not your own.



To sum up, my three pieces of advice are based on organization, rest and relating to others. These techniques worked for me and now I'm organized between Steemit and my studies and I don't suffer from so much stress and I pass these techniques on to you so you don't suffer with all those things. Remember that you are not alone in the world and that you are important :D

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I hope you have been served by my advice :D. Thank you very much for reading me and I will see you in the next :D

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 3 years ago 

Beautifully Written :)
Thanks for participating :)

¡Muchas gracias! Me alegra que les haya gustado :D

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