Journey towards home town...

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Hi. Steemit members.
Today I am going to tell u about the journey which I had travelled along with my friends from Islamabad to Gilgit Baltistan..
It was the month of June 2016 I had completed my degree from international islamic university Islamabad.
Well Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan I along with my three friends started my journey from Quwait hostel to Gilgit Baltistan.My friend had a car and he was driving. Our beginning was good we were smoothly going to our destination. Initially road condition was good my friend was driving well. We reached Besham for dinner actually we started our journey at 4: 00pm for dinner we stopped at Besham we did our dinner and started our journey again..
One of my friend brother captain khurram took the car and drove it. He was driving very quick the road condition was gradually gradually in a bad condition.after half an hour our car collide with stone suddenly it stopped at the moment.
The car was not starting we tried our best but it was not started. It was too late to reach our destination we stayed in a hotel and the next morning we came to workshop and brought electrician..
Electrician repaired our car after 2 hours of working it started and we again begun our journey and reached our destination on late time.
This was a short story of my life journey along with my friend and memories forever... This picture was taken at Besham..

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