Topic Announcement Week # 13 - The Most Loved and Awaited Theme !! SKY PHOTOGRAPHY //

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Hello greetings from my Venezuela, where the sky is also beautiful sometimes an intense blue, other times another color but always beautiful.

Adorned with its blue clouds that look like cotton balls.


So close that you can see that it makes you want to grab them, but it is very far away, the closest we can get is with our photos.

Thanks to the community of steemitpakistan for this new contest.

The photo is of my authorship, with the Sony Camera.

I invite you to join this nice community and also participate you must have a picture of the sky and if you don't take it, this is the link of the contest:

@steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 and @steemitblog thank you for your support.

firma nayita238.png


Con el apoyo de la familia.

Trail de TopFiveFamily

Guao que hermosura de cielo, de verdad que mirar arriba y ver ese azul con blanco tan hermosamente formado anima a cualquiera. @nayita238

Hola usted es como mi abuelita pero mas joven je je es cierto gracias que siempre esta dandome apoyo, saludos a nano

Apoyando desde TOP3

Oh miren quien regreso bienvenido de nuevo gracias

 3 years ago 

Thankyou so much for participating !
We wish you best of luck

Thank you friends

 3 years ago 

<3 Keep Enjoying

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