Rat Race

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

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There is no race. What race? Look around you. Do you see a starting line? Do you see an end line? Do you see a crowd?

There is no race. There is only the now.

It may help to stop thinking of life as a competition, or something to be "won". You're here. You are. Life just is. Live it (simply, as it is).

Be more critical about race. What is there to be won? At the end of the day we're just a bit of dust, returning to the stars. Whatever we think we've "won" is ephemeral.

You are competing with yourself in an imaginary race. You "win" be defining your own rules.

But if you still want to be a rat, be. Rats are inquisitive and intelligent. They love to relax, eat good food, play, and cuddle. No rat would ever enter "the rat race". They are too smart.

Use the system to get money, but don't get absorbed into it, stay away from consumption except for necessity, for example:

  • The race says you must buy a large house ? Nope, I get a 1/3rd of "race" size, and am still very happy.
  • The race says you must buy new phone every 2 years. Nope, I got mine from 10 years ago. Use smart phone for socialising and reading.
  • The race says you must buy a Toyota because you're a man! Nope, I got mine Alto and it never gives me any problems and fill it only thrice a month.

The race says I'm a boring person, whatever, I have secured a constant stream of income which covers my living expenses. I can get any job anytime without ever worrying about expenses. I have a loving and caring family. What else do I need?

I don't buy stuff to impress people. Chasing after validation is what makes one a rat. Live simply by cherishing what you already have. Show gratitude.

People say it takes strong will power to do so. I don't understand, how the "will power" is required to live a simple life. Not participating in the gluttony that has become so normalized by marketers who have their hands in our pockets, doesn't exactly require willpower.........just common sense.

"Comparison is the thief of joy"

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