Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || by @nadeesew- 15% set to pak-charity

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

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Hello steemians,

Today I came up with the engagement challenge III this week and it is really interesting. There are 4 statements that we can defend so let me share my ideas with you.

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A women's place is in the Kitchen

This is a critical topic to comment on. A women is considered as the key of a family. In early ages women are kept only in the kitchen and asked to cook and feed the family. But now the situation has changed. Girls are given a good education by their families. So they become educated and also graduated from high reputed universities. This has made the women come out of the kitchen and explore the world.

Women engage in many activities outside the home. She has the ability to work in a company and also there are many managers and executives who are ladies. Women who have different abilities and skills now show them to the world and they also help in generating income for the family. They do it while engaging in household activities too.

Women do a job which cannot be paid or which cannot assume a salary. I have seen most of women engage in self employment and they also become stable in the society without depending only on father or husband. This in turn is a help for the family. When the wife does a job or self employed she is also a strength for the family's economy. It is a relief for the husband or father too.

So not like past era now women is educated and have a good knowledge about the society. Women cannot be cheated easily now as she know who people are with the experience. So according to my opinion women should not be kept inside the kitchen hiding their skills and abilities.

Women also can take responsibilities in the society. The best example is the Queen Elizabeth. She is more than 96 years old now and still she has the crown. Whole kingdom and the colonial countries are still under her rule and even colonies do not want to be separated as they know that the lady can do the best for the world. There are many more examples that we can see from the pas that women rise up and shine in the world and being a strength to the family at the same time. So I recommend women should not be kept inside the kitchen.

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You will stay happier if you are unmarried

The statement that a person can stay happy without a marriage is a bit critical. Some people who have suffered a lot from a marriage may say that being single for life time is happier than being getting married and suffering. But a person who leads a successful marriage life with the partner and children will say that a marriage is happier than being single for life time.

According to my point of view the life is so complicated. We need to find a matching partner to see whether he or she is good for us. There are factors that we consider like qualities, skills and abilities, education level that we expect from our partner. If they are matching for us then we can live with the person we select. The marriage life should be led with good mutual understanding between the two partners.

If two got married they should enjoy their lives. They can go for traveling and they can do what ever the other one likes to do together. There should be a good bond between both. There will be no any misunderstandings if there is a bond between two of them. If having children the family should enjoy the life all together. The marriage life is so delighted if the children are having good manners with good qualities in them and the partner is supportive and understanding.

On the other hand the single life will be better rather than living with a person who doesn't understand you. If the wife or husband is being torchured mentally or physically by the partner or any other family member then that life is a miserable life. Children in the family should be with good qualities and support. If the family life is led without any support, love, affection and caring from the family members then it is good to be single in life time.

No one is born to the world to be neglected and mentally or physically torchured so in that case being single is a good option. You can enjoy your life in whatever the way that you like because no one is there to disturb or trouble you.In my opinion being single or married to be happier is a choice that should be done personally according to the situation.

This is the end of my post. Thank you for reading and have a good day.

 2 years ago (edited)

Hola, con respecto a lo de la mujer en la cocina, tienes razón, hoy en día la mujer tiene más educación que antes, es muy bien dicho.

Las personas solteras o casados, tiene que tener un nivel de conocimiento que siendo o no su caso, la felicidad no estará a menos que se decida ser feliz, todo es cuestión de madurez, pero el Soltero sí tiene sus buenas ventajas 😅... y creo que te faltó 1 "los votos no están garantizados" Saludos y mucho éxito... 🤗

 2 years ago 

I think you got the idea wrong.

You don't have to comment on these statements. Instead, you have to defend these statements as if they are rightly said.

And you forgot to mention the compulsory statement: Votes are not guaranteed, It is a must to be defended.

Hello @haidermehdi please I need a clarification on this topics, is it a kind of debate? I mean can someone choose to support the motion or write against the motion?

 2 years ago 

Hi @goodybest.

Defend the Statement* means that you have to support the mentioned statements as if they were your own.

Think of it as if you have said these statements and now you have to defend them in front of audience.

Okay thanks for the clarification. My entry is loading soon

 2 years ago 

Women are the best managers and great caretakers. Kitchen is the hub pf every home, a very sensitive and most important place therefore, i think women can better handle kitchens. Likewise, an unmarried human can focus on career, can travel wherever he wants. I have also written about the said topic, You can have a look and share your views.

 2 years ago 

Amiga @nadeesew, el amigo @haidermehdi, le hizo una aclaratoria sobre la finalidad del post, creoque todavía tiene tiempo de revisarla y ajustarla a lo que se pide, recuerde también quye la tercera declaración es obligatoria, de las otras 4 puede escoger dos, y claro defenderlas como si esa fuera la santa palabra y una ley irrevocable e irrefutable.

Espero ver su nueva versión, y estoy seguro de que lo hará fantástico.


 2 years ago 

Thank you friend. I got the accurate idea only when explained. I'm not sure whether my entry is valid if I edit. So I will try to do it if possible.

 2 years ago 

You are not defending instead you are going against the statement. The contest isabout critical thinking.

 2 years ago 

Yeah I got it.

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