in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Hello and good evening to all members of the steemit family. May all of you are in best of your health.

This is a real story. Names of characters are changed so that self respect of these characters may not be damaged.

I am telling you the lifetime story of mrs shahida. She belonged to a poor family. Her parents have been died when she was a child. She has 2 step brothers and 1 real brother who is a mental case.

She passed her time in the homes of step brothers in an acceptable way. She did not completed her study because her brothers were not willing to invest on her.

She was 20 years old when she got married with Mr. Asim. In her husband's home there lived 5 siblings and 2 parents of her husband. Her real test started in the house of her husband.

She always take care each and every member of the family. She used to do all household activities including cooking, dish washing, floor washing, toilet cleaning, clothes watching etc. She was considered as the servant for all members of the family.

Often she was beaten by the members of the family. When husband arrive home then females of the home also rose the anger of Mr asim against her by telling blame stories against her. She was treated very badly by her husband. Mr Asim used to torture her both physically as well as mentally. He always used fowl language against her and her husband. He used to beat the innocent with pipes and sticks. When he beat her , other members of the family join him in slapping and kicking.


Link of image.

She used to go to her step brothers home but there was no one who should give importance her. They always use to teach her the lessons of tolerance. She was always short of options therefore she had to come back to her husbands house. In her husband's house nothing had changed. These shameful activities continued for 3 years.

All members of the society always make them shameful as screams ,roars and crying was listened from their home daily. But it was worthless for this family. This family has lost their respect in the eyes of society.

After 3 years, mrs shahida took divorse from Mr. Asim. It was relief for her as she is now free from brutal behavior of others .

Nature has responded to the cruelities of asim's family. This family got a huge loss in farming as they were farmers by profession. They had to change the city. They shifted to other city.

In the new city, all female members had to work for their livelihood. They worked in different houses as servants (Maids). Asim and his brothers have to work as gatekeepers. Father was selling vegetables on the road side. This family is now facing a lot of problems in running a life. As there is no one to marry these females. They all are suffering from tough times of their life . May be it is the revenge of nature.

On the other hand, Mrs shahida has been married to a millionaire man Mr arshad. Most importantly, arshad is a decent man. He is well adequated guy. Shahida is living a happy life like a queen. She has servants for household activities. She enjoys each and every luxury item in her home. She is now free of tensions. May be it is the reward of nature.

One day shahida met to her ex mother in law in a market. She begged shahida that please forgive us. We regret what we have done to you. We have been caught by nature due to our brutal behaviour with you. She forgive her but nature has not. Looks like asim's family has to live the rest of the life like that , as they don't see any relief in coming future.

Moral. Do not consider others as low grade people when you have power. This power is temporary. Secondly, the response of nature is very strict as its stick do not sound but feels and feels in merit.

Thanks for reading.

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