Club 5050 || Creativity Contest Participation || " I Can't Do It " Speech || Motivational Speech || By @naddiyaatif

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

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Hello! everyone how are you all? hope you all are fine, So finally a creative writing contest I was waiting it for long as I love to write creative things amazing diaries memorable stories and I have written many things as well. I have a dream since my childhood to write something which can inspire someone and all my teachers and family said that you have such a nice quality you can write by yourself which is very good because many people can't write a single essay by themselves. Through out my childhood I wrote many speeches in school life for debate competition and won 1 prize as well all my teacher were so proud of me then I found about this platform STEEMIT I just got very happy that finally I can my talent somewhere.

So today my topic is " I CAN'T DO IT " you must me thinking what kind of topic is that so let me tell you

When we get settled in life we get habitual to it we started getting know the people we had friendships we started knowing our culture, country, religion, relationships then we all go through the same process full year study that had a final exams and promoted to another class means play group to Matric but after Matric are studies still not finished we have to go collage the university then our adult stage started where we have to manage all the things. In all the stages we must somewhere got stucked we feel like nothing is working all things are just gone wrong in life "I can't do it I don't want to do it".

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I CAN'T DO IT I know once in your life you must go through this situation of life where you are blank you have no motivation you are just frustrated. Let me tell you a story of mine once in my life I was so frustrated I feel like I am nothing I can't do anything I can't be No 1 in life I am a looser I can't beat the topper of school I will always become a average student and from this I got distracted I was so disturb even at that time I can't focus on my studies I got fail in my exam my parents were so worried then on of my teacher came to me say me my child in life there are many stages in which we feel low we feel everyone is good we feel that life is so harsh we can't do it but trust me you can do it and you have to do it and prove everyone wrong if someone can't study they have some other talent not everyone is good in studies everyone have the talent so work on yourself untill you find you talent and make everyone think that we can do it.

So after listening my teacher I get motivated and stared doing everything I can do I want to make myself happy I took participated in debate competition and won 1 prize I was so happy and from then I believe that yes I can do it no matter what I have to do it. So as same may be you also go through this stage of life where you think that you can't do it there are many situation like in studies, in relationships, in jobs sometime two people chemistry is no matching so that's not mean you have to end up the relationship you have to give some time to think that why thinks are not working between you two and have to understand each other feelings and should make other comfortable.

As same after completion of studies getting degree you have to get a job at that you were very tensed if you can't find the job you want and this situation is very stressful specially for boys they get tensed but trust me it not means that you are nothing man you have the degree it means you have the ability if the dream job is not for you so don't give up do something in which you get satisfied and do hard work for making that thing your dream come true. Never give up in your life, life is too short so do not waste it thinking that I am a looser I can't do anything everyone is better than me just do hard work and make yourself proud and don't take tension of people they will say whatever they want to it they can't be shut up you just have to focused and then see how your life changed.

This is the psychological thing where at sometimes seeing other people doing best we feel like we are nothing that's natural I am studying psychology so I know these type of situation where our mind got stucked but at that time we have to think for our future never take a decision in anger in any situation it may cause you lose always think positive if you think positive everything will be done properly. So the Moral of this speech is that " Never give up in any situation there is no situation in which we think that we can't do it, we can do it and have to do it "

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So that's my participation for the contest I wish I win this contest I have done my best my all thinking I have written hope you can understand what I am trying to say.. Hope for the best, Wish me luck guys ❤ Hope you like it. Thank you so much, Take Care, ALLAH HAFIZ ❤❤

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 2 years ago 

I am very impressed to see your story and I am very happy that your mother and father showed you the right way and teacher

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much...

I agree with you, we have to do some mediation. We always have to see positive side and get motivated.
Very impressive story, really admirable your teacher Who showed you right path timely

 2 years ago 

Yeah I am very thank full to my teacher❤

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Thank you so much...

 2 years ago 

Whether human beings make progress in life or face failure He always needs a person Those who could hear him and motivate him without criticizing On failures. Someone must like that person come to us from Allah Almighty.

 2 years ago 

You are absolutely right 😊

 2 years ago 
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Number Of Words980
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Account operated by haidermehdi

Thank you for taking part in the contest

 2 years ago 

My Pleasure😊

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