The Diary Game | 30-October-2021 | Saturday | Barbeque Night

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)


Assalam o Alaikum everyone! I hope everyone is having an amazing and fulfilling day. I am writing my first Diary on STEEMIT and I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it. This post is mainly about what I ate in my day since my day isn't very eventful but I do try to enjoy the small things in my life.

I woke up quite early on Saturday, since I had to get the outside of my house cleaned. There was a bit of renovation going on in the house and all the leftover sand, cement and blocks were thrown outside the house to be collected later for disposal. Due to fatigue I had to put off the work and so I had to wake up early on a Saturday morning. After getting it cleaned up, I had breakfast. I have been enjoying peanut butter🥪 these days (chunky specifically), and instead of jam I add in pancake syrup🥞 which is surprisingly a good combination. I don't have any pictures for that because I had it without my phone so it slipped my mind 😓, my forgetfulness sometimes scares me. I also had a bowl of yogurt with honey and nuts. It was my first time trying it and it was really good. My sister was the one who made it for me and it was very healthy and tasty meal. A special thanks to my sister for taking its picture.

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I worked on my articles for a good amount of time and by the time I was done it was time for lunch.

I had plans with my friends for the rest of the day so I got ready and went with my friend who came to pick me up. It would be just the two of us till later in the evening when we would have dinner with other friends. While talking we both decided to have some soup to calm our stomachs until dinner. We got a one-person meal for both of us. It was surprisingly filling since there wasn't much in the deal. It consists of two bread pieces🍞, and a soup bowl🥣.

After that we went around to get the necessary things for dinner. We had decided to make some barbeque. Unlike western barbeques, Pakistani ones are filled with work and extreme planning. Everything should be planned around two days before the actual party. The meat should be set to marinated a day before and a lot of other things need to be set up.

My mother is usually in charge of marinating the meat, and when I tell you her cooking is the most scrumptious thing, it will not be an understatement.

We went to get the coals and the mud oil. Our party would be held in the school of our friend's relative. It had been closed for the pandemic and the place was empty at night.

In getting our work done and preparing everything, night was arriving quickly. We went ahead and got the coals ready as our friends gradually arrived. The first batch would go back to my house for my family, because they did not want to leave the house for the food, so they asked me to prepare some for them too. I was happy to show my skills to them so I happily made some for them and delivered it for them. Our barbeque party was filled with music🎶, karaoke using the mic🎤 and speaker and a lot of useless talking. The food was also good as the coals were burned properly. The meat itself was moist, and well marinated. It was soft and easy to chew. After the food was done, we made tea on top of the coals. Smokes tea tastes different and also very good after eating. The dinner ended gracefully, with all of us cleaning up the stuff while laughing about one thing and another.


I went home after that and all the fatigue hit me like a bus🚌. I slept like a log after that.
I was grateful that the day went on so nicely for me and without any hitches.

Honorable Mention's

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