Steemit pakistan powerup #club5050

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are well. I am also healthy. May Allah Almighty grant me all my friends a long life and lawful sustenance and keep them away from sorrows and troubles forever. May Allah help you to help others. May allah keep you happy may allah help you to always serve your parents
Friends, I am getting power up today because I think it will benefit my community, then the committee will also cooperate with me, I will be strong, it will benefit me and my community, I have put in 15 Steam Power.





 3 years ago 

mutli accounts has been detected in this user control.. proof gathering team has been provided solid proof against this user, so after this as country representative pakistan , it is my responsibility to keep eyes on multi accounts user, so after verifying proof against this user , it is necessary to put FIR next action. steemit not allow vote farming throught multi accounts. Idienty theft,,

respected your verification has been done , you are using multi accounts and cheating the steemit and all communities admin so there is no place for spam,abuse,vote farming people, we checked all proof and it is 100%correct you are cheating, ,,

you have multi accounts also other

respected All CR /Admin team above information are correct, so has been taken action against his other account, so this account also in same list,,,[recomended strong FIR/idienty theft/ multi accounts/spam abuse/ frad/case]

Important note : multi transactions has been seen to blacklisted user, from this user, and this user is also under list of multi accounts, so our multi account catcher team is trying work hard to catch these accounts, this accounts has multi transaction to blacklisted user,

country representative pakistan


@haidermehdi ADMIN CR
@steemcurator01 MOD
@aniqamashkoor MOD
@salmanwains MOD
@hassanabid MOD

 3 years ago 

Mera whatapp no 03063963500

Thanks for notifying i have added label. Let see if we get some proofs :)

 3 years ago 

Hello Sir, if you want to contact me, I am giving my WhatsApp number below. Is misleading you please contact me do your own research don't listen to this liar my whatsapp number is 03063963500

 3 years ago 

proof to meeting room , sending

 3 years ago 

Your whatsapp no.

 3 years ago 

Hello Sir, if you want to contact me, I am giving my WhatsApp number below. Is misleading you please contact me do your own research don't listen to this liar my whatsapp number is 03063963500

 3 years ago 

Don't panic. Stay calm and don't call him any words that you regret. He is a Country Rep and he's talking with proof in hand. Don't panic. Just stay calm and do as directed!

 3 years ago 

Hello Sir, if you want to contact me, I am giving my WhatsApp number below. Is misleading you please contact me do your own research don't listen to this liar my whatsapp number is 03063963500

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