week #7 || What do you do to remove Stress, Anxiety and Pressure From Life? || By @maazmoid123

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago

Hello everyone. How are you all doing? I hope fine. Firstly I would like to thanks @steemit-pak, for making this contest and also for giving me the third position in the previous week. That was a very nice experience and I hope this will also be nice and will be full of excitement.

I want all my followers to be a part of this beautiful contest. And I hope you all will like it here is the post link

About the contest that what I do to remove stress, anxiety, and pressure from my life. It is indeed a great topic because one should know what should he or what he do to remove stress, anxiety, and pressure from his life.

So here are the things I do to remove stress, anxiety, and pressure from my life.

Trust in God

The first thing I do which is also very important in my life is to pray. I pray to get rid of Stress, Anxiety, and Pressure From my Life. Whenever I get into Stress, Anxiety, and Pressure I tried to leave the world behind FIVE TIMES A DAY. And it really helps I mostly go into the prostration(sajdah). And ask for God's help because he is the one who has the power to do everything. And I build my trust in God because a person who builds his trust in God will never take Stress, Anxiety, and Pressure in his life. And I also seek helps through Patience (sabr) because God says in the Quran 2:45;

This instruction from Allah provides us with two critical tools that can ease our worries and pain. Patience and prayer are two oft-neglected stressbusters. Sabr is often translated as patience but it is not just that. It includes self-control, perseverance, endurance, and a focused struggle to achieve one's goal. Unlike patience, which implies resignation, the concept of Sabr includes a duty to remain steadfast to achieve your goals despite all odds.


Talk to Myself

The other thing I mostly do is talking to myself. I know it sounds weird to someone but after talking to myself I feel relaxed and it really helps me and already helped me in many situations. Sometimes a person whats only good coach advice and I also read it somewhere a big business told somewhere that "whenever he needs a piece of expert advice he isolates himself in no sound area and talks to himself". This line also clicks me and afterwards I sometimes do that. And I also want to advise you all that this is very relaxing and one should do this sometimes in a week or month.



Breathing Exercise

Ah... This is one helps me when teachers or someone gives me mini heart-attack in term of stress. When they ask to come on stage or to say something and that gets me into the stress and the breathing exercise helps a lot at that time. I take deep breaths for some moments which really helps in many ways.



This one is also the best thing to remove Stress, Anxiety and Pressure From my Life. The issue of sleep and stress is a vicious circle as one if in stress it usually affects sleep. If you’re too stressed out, you may not sleep properly. If you don’t sleep properly, you’re more likely to feel stressed out. To Treat my sleeping patterns as a habit helps me to ensure that I am getting a full 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.


Now it is time to end my blog. Thank you @steemit-pak for making this contest, I really enjoyed writing for this contest.

I hope you all like it. Thank you all for reading my post.

Mentioning respected:

Especially to @steemitblog

I am sure you all enjoyed reading my day.



#weekly-engagement #pakistan #steemitexclusive #betterlife #contest #steemexclusive

 4 years ago 

Thankyou so much for participating !
We wish you best of luck

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