Week #6 || What do you think About your Future ? || 100% PowerupsteemCreated with Sketch.

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, how are you all doing? I hope fine. So about this contest that this is indeed a great contest, which is helping us to look on our future, that if we are doing things right today or not?

Every night I think about this particular topic which is my future that how should it be and what can I do to make it beautiful.

So in this contest, I am going to write about my future and how it should be and many more.


The future is the time after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time.

What do you want to become

This is easy for me to answer because Ahumdulliah I have chosen what I want to become. There are actually two things that I want to become:

  • Airport Manager
  • Business Man

Why did I choose those two? Firstly because I am an aviation enthusiast and I love aviation and that's why I am also studying Aviation Management to be in the aviation industry and as everybody knows it is a vast field, So inshallah it will be easy for me to be a part of that.


This is me with my friends on visit to Airport

And this is my dream destination Jinnah Terminal Karachi. I really want to be a part of this place, whenever to go to this place it gives me goosebumps, and the environment of that place gives me itch.


The second one is a businessman I also want to carry that along with aviation because I also have a keen interest in business, I want to carry it as my side business because you never know what happens in a job or even after retirement it will be a great investment for future. But my real plan is to do business in aviation after gaining experience in both fields.

How will you become/Have you done something about your future?

To become an aviation personal and a businessman I am enrolled in the only university in Pakistan which provides an Aviation Management degree and I will be graduated from there in 2022 inshallah. And for business in Aviation management degree they also teach us business subject which really helps us in understanding the environment of nowadays businesses.
I also take part in different things related to aviation and business. I am also learning some other courses to start my own business and inshallah I will be able to do it in the span of 2 years.


This is me with my teammates getting a RunnerUp award in business-related contest

Do you think you are financially stable enough for the future?

Until now I am not stable. But there are some things I do first I help my father in his business and in the meantime I also learn new things to earn. I am getting stable and for that, I have done some part-time jobs and nowadays I just learned Influencer Marketing and Inshallah it will help me a lot to get stable for my future. But the only thing it needs is passion and consistency and I will do it no matter what to get financially stable.


Which profession are in right now / in future

Actually, I am a full-time student and I am jobless I have learned some skills as I have mentioned above to do freelancing but until now I am not able to find any job from that also. And I am also a blogger on #Steemit, which I started in 2017 and then quit after some time but now I am back and it is quite good and it is giving me a very wonderful experience in #Steemit.


Will you help others to achieve that goals too ?

Of course, I will be more than welcome to help those in need. As I am a Muslim and my religion taught me to help those who need help. As Hazarat Muhammad صَلَّى ٱللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ‎ • (ṣallā llāhu ʿalayhī wa-Salama) said:

"جو کیسی پریشان ھال انسان کی مدداد کرےگا اللہ تالہ اسکے لیئے تہاٹر (73) مغفیرتیین لکھنگے جن میں ایک ایک مغفیرت تو اسکے تمام کامو کی اسلاء کے لیئے کافی ہے اور بہتر (72) قیامت کے دن اسکے لیئے دارجات بان جینگی"
Whoever helps a person in such a troubled situation, Allah will write for him (73) three forgiveness, one of which is sufficient for all his deeds, and the best (72) will be for him on the Day of Resurrection.

So it will be or is my duty to help others to achieve their goals.

How can you help others, helping them think about their future?

I will help them in every way I can like if they only want the information I will provide them and even if they need some tutoring and are not financially stable I will inshallah teach them what I know. Because there is another saying that "Distributing knowledge does not decrease your knowledge, instead it increases your knowledge.

Where can you achieve your goals

I can achieve my goal anywhere but I will prefer to do hard work and to get knowledge and achieve my goal in my own country.

Will your family support the thinking you have for your future ?

Of course, they support me and even they don't I will convince them. But it is not the matter Alhumdullialh they support me fully, my family is very caring and supportive. And I am pretty sure they will do anything for me to achieve my goal. I have the best family ever.

Expected time to reach the goal and successful future.

According to my calculations Inshallah I will be able to reach my goal in 3 years but to make it successful I think it will take a span of 10 years, to successfully reach the goal in the future.

Now it is time to end my blog. Thank you @steemit-pak for making this contest, I really enjoyed writing for this contest.

I hope you all like it. Thank you all for reading my post.

Mentioning respected:

Especially to @steemitblog

I am sure you all enjoyed reading my day.



#weekly-engagement #pakistan #steemitexclusive #betterlife #contest #steemexclusive

 4 years ago 
 4 years ago 

Thankyou so much for participating i wish you best of luck :)

You have been upvoted by Steemit-pak Official Community Curation account :)

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