#Club100 | Breakfast with Friend in a Class Break | Sunday Morning Classes✏️ | My Strawberry plant 🌱 - STEEMIT PAKISTAN|

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)


Good day everyone; I hope you all are doing great. So my university life is full-on fire nowadays, as it is the final year, and my final year project is about to start soon. It had to start 2 weeks ago, but because of the incompetency of my university, we did not have the opportunity to take a class.

But I know that tomorrow will be my first class of the final year project, so soon after finishing my diary, I will search for some research topics for me. By the way, my other 5 courses classes had been going on without any delay.

And the only problem I am facing is the timing and riding the bike for 10s of kilometers every day. As yesterday evening I had the class from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm of General Aviation Marketing. Today, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, I had the class Modelling Application in the Airline industry.

Because of that, my body is still teasing.



So today, when we got a break of 15 minutes, I went to a restaurant with my friend where we ate Chana and Parathas, with tea. And then get back to class a little late.

As the professor who is teaching is right now, don't force students to come on time and attend class, so it is on students whether they want to join the class.


After the class I came back home, I saw that my father had bought a new strawberry plant, and the best part was that I was able to see some flowers in it.




Then finally, in the evening, after dinner, my siblings asked me to bring some ice cream, as Icecream is the first love of my family, lol.


And that is how my day came to an end, and now I want your people's good wishes for me in finding a good research topic for myself for the final year project. BYE


 2 years ago 
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Account operated by @haidermehdi

Selected for best picks 21/2/2022! Good work as usual! Keep it up <3

 2 years ago 

Nice diary,hope you enjoy your day.

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